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More 0 hours workers than ever..

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I know the reality of student work though. One of my students can't grade next saturday because "he's not allowed" the time off work. He's on a ZHC on paper. But in reality if he doesn't work when he's expected too (ie weekends) then he'll be sacked. And if they don't need him on a weekend, then he gets no work.


He could have a fixed term contract and suffer the same threats. Ive worked in the past under similar constraints albeit briefly.

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You've got to be kidding....


This isn't irrefutable data, it's a report about data.


Where's the actual data? I want to know who commissioned the survey?

Who paid for the survey? What were the exact questions? How were they phrased? Who did they ask? What data was plucked from the survey for the report, who plucked it? What was their agenda? etc etc.


This is why statistical data often isn't worth the paper it's written on, and can be used to support any point of view, particularly that required by the people paying for it.


Maybe it's the CIPD one that concludes 'There has been a substantial slump in job satisfaction'


Who wants to argue with the ONS?




Go wild.

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You've got to be kidding....


This isn't irrefutable data, it's a report about data.


Where's the actual data? I want to know who commissioned the survey?

Who paid for the survey? What were the exact questions? How were they phrased? Who did they ask? What data was plucked from the survey for the report, who plucked it? What was their agenda? etc etc.


This is why statistical data often isn't worth the paper it's written on, and can be used to support any point of view, particularly that required by the people paying for it.


Maybe it's the CIPD one that concludes 'There has been a substantial slump in job satisfaction'



What's wrong with everybody.



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I would have thought they could already though - they certainly can unionise if needed and places where you have abusive bosses a walkout of the workforce would stop things very quickly. Could it be that they don't realise that unionisation is possible?


Just walking out would lead to a sequestration of the union's assets. Going through the very lengthy process of taking action as prescribed by the multi-layered anti-union laws (sorry sir, do you mind awfully if we go on strike sir?) would give such an employer ample time to regrettably inform their workers on zero hours contracts that the work seemed to have dried up while giving that work to other people on zero hours contracts.

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Anybody who doesn't know the above is at best naive, or mentally challenged, or playing games.


Right then. Evidence you don't like doesn't count.

Henceforth we'll make all our decisions as a nation based on your gut feeling shall we.

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I've not had the pleasure of reading such childish rants in a long time... probably because had it not been Mr Pete that was the target of your pettiness then the thread would have already had several mod warnings for bickering and probably now be long gone.


But no, because Mr Pete appears to be the target then someone is turning a blind eye and not doing their job... maybe the mods are all on ZHC's? :huh:


Believe me, a ZHC would be a luxury for a mod or admin on this forum, as we have no recompense at all.


I'm currently working through the thread trying to work out whether anybody has said anything worthy of a warning or post removal. Please bear with me.

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Believe me, a ZHC would be a luxury for a mod or admin on this forum, as we have no recompense at all.


I'm currently working through the thread trying to work out whether anybody has said anything worthy of a warning or post removal. Please bear with me.


You'll have a job working out if anybody has said anything worthy of reading! It's not often that I hanker after Mort arriving with his/her distaste of 'bickering' but...

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Right then. Evidence you don't like doesn't count.

Henceforth we'll make all our decisions as a nation based on your gut feeling shall we.


I accept some people are satisfied with their ZHC - and if it's working for them and their employer, all well and good.

My concern, amongst other things, is that people on ZHC have been found to be paid less than their counterparts doing exactly the same work. And worryingly, this discrepancy is more marked the further down the income scale you go. And if something as obvious as pay differentials are occurring, that begs the question what else is there to be uncovered? Given that there has been a huge rise is the use of ZHC recently, it's a question worth asking.

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