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Royal Families incomes doubled.

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Does your family generate millions of pounds through tourism/ foreign visitors for the country each year ?


If so , yes you have earned the money for your central heating.


Yawn yawn yawn. Does France suffer a lack of tourists by not having a Royal Family?


Also seeing as you are an admitted tax dodger it ill becomes you to comment on the country's coffers.

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When I read about this rise for the Royals, I sent an email to the Treasury asking for a few thousand to have a new shower room installed, I sent the message three times, no answer to any of them. Seems it's just the filthy rich qualify.

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When I read about this rise for the Royals, I sent an email to the Treasury asking for a few thousand to have a new shower room installed, I sent the message three times, no answer to any of them. Seems it's just the filthy rich qualify.


Do you really think this is simply about the queen being given money to tart up her house????


Why dont you educate yourself about the Crown Estates and its monies.

You will then then see that the "sovereign grant" generated from a % of Crown Estate monies to pay for the whole operations of the royal household is being increased to pay for the repairs.


At the very worst, and at the most simplistic level all that is happening is a reduction in the amount of the remaining surplus CE profits going to the Treasury on this occasion. Boo hoo. Considering the Treasury has pocketed profits of 2.4 billion from the CE over the last 10 years, im sure they can take a small dent to pay for the maintainence of what is essentially one of their own trust properties.


Exactly like Downing Street, The White House. Hillsborough Castle, Lambeth Palace and Bute House its an just official residence. Buckingham Palace is not owned by the queen. She cannot sell it nor profit from it.


What is the problem?

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I have just seen on MSN that it took a select group of MPs just 15 minutes to double the royal families income, and also to authorise a 360 million pound upgrade to Buckingham Palace.It really is a sick joke when money can be found for this, but there is nothing available for the NHS,education,invalidity payments and other really important things.The Tories don't care one jot about the average person,their policy of rob the rich to feed the poor still prevails


It's highly likely that even a Labour government would have reached the same decision in record time and if the Tories policy is one of robbing the rich to feed the poor I'll be voting for them next time as well.

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