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Let's put the under 21 ones on the streets who cares eh?

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I would agree. That is why there are exceptions to any rule. That is why cetain people may fall within the "vulnerable" and "protected" categories. That is why there will be exemptions to any policy set.


On the flip side, of course, that does not mean that there should be a blanket and unequivocal entitlement either.


I think we need hi tech industry not traditional industries it will not work in the 21st century. A scheme could be put together that gives a young person a chance of employment together with accommodation plus generates money for the economy both local and national level we have got to do something otherwise what chance have the next generation got?

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I would say the majority of kids coming out of care are vulnerable.


They usually don't have the safety net of a family behind them, and that alone makes them more vulnerable than most. Most of us don't appreciate the strength our families give us just by being there.

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I would say the majority of kids coming out of care are vulnerable.


They usually don't have the safety net of a family behind them, and that alone makes them more vulnerable than most. Most of us don't appreciate the strength our families give us just by being there.


Well then the care system isn't working,kids coming out of care should be ready for the real world,are you saying that these kids need looking after all their life.

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Well then the care system isn't working,kids coming out of care should be ready for the real world,are you saying that these kids need looking after all their life.


I'm not sure I was ready for the real world at 18 and I didn't have to cope single handed.


In fact I'm happy to say I'm still supported by the love of my family, and hope that will continue till the end of my days.


You underestimate the power of that, and a good start in life.

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I don't underestimate family,I had parents,not loving but if I had needed them they would have helped,that's another story,if you can't support your kids don't have them.

At 18 I left home and never asked the family for anything even though I was welcome there,my son's the same,he knows if he needs anything we're there for him but he's doing it himself.

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Quite a bit actually thank you next question?


In that case, why would you even ask if someone in the care system (ie removed from parental care by the state) couldn't live with their parents. :huh:


---------- Post added 05-03-2017 at 10:40 ----------




Charities have pointed out that the plan will save almost no money and could drive up homelessness, and disproportionately affect LGBT people or those estranged from their families.

Recent research by Heriot-Watt University found that once exemptions were included the policy would save just £3.3 million pounds. Researchers calculated that just 140 young people would have to be made homeless by the change for knock-on costs to mean the policy actually cost taxpayers more money overall.


It's not even a money saving policy, it's just another attack on the vulnerable.


These young people are old enough to fight for their country but, in Theresa May’s Britain, not old enough to get the same help with housing costs as everyone else.


“Ministers would do well to remember that the shameful doubling of rough sleeping since 2010 is a direct result of decisions they have made. With this decision they will make the scandal of rising homelessness worse still.”

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I'm not sure I was ready for the real world at 18 and I didn't have to cope single handed.


In fact I'm happy to say I'm still supported by the love of my family, and hope that will continue till the end of my days.


You underestimate the power of that, and a good start in life.


Good post Anna.

The army and navy provided a family for many but due to the decrease in size of the armed forces there are less vacancies now.

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In that case, why would you even ask if someone in the care system (ie removed from parental care by the state) couldn't live with their parents. :huh:


---------- Post added 05-03-2017 at 10:40 ----------







It's not even a money saving policy, it's just another attack on the vulnerable.


Ah, but the doubling of rough sleeping since 2010 is nothing to do with who has been in office since 2010, right? People at risk of rough sleeping just conspire to make worse decisions whenever there is a Tory government, it's all their own fault, nothing to do with the Really Nice Party.

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Government figures show that more than 30% of young homeless have come from the care system, but this is thought to be an undervaluation as so many young homeless remain hidden.

Also a large number of homeless adults have mental health issues.


Would we care more if these kids were in some third world country featuring on the news every night?

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Government figures show that more than 30% of young homeless have come from the care system, but this is thought to be an undervaluation as so many young homeless remain hidden.

Also a large number of homeless adults have mental health issues.


Would we care more if these kids were in some third world country featuring on the news every night?


Of course our media would care more and the so called do good celebs, i quite agree that chidren into adulthood should has simular suport that a perent would give, from the state. How ever that could cause problems as the age of children leaving the perental home is rising, does that mean that people should be institutionalized, for longer.

Edited by phil752
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