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Let's put the under 21 ones on the streets who cares eh?

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Despite the rather heated exchange here, I haven't seen a single actual reason given as to why 18-21 is different to 22, why should HB not be available to any adult that meets the criteria?


Of course it should. This policy won't even save any money, it appears to be one of those Cameron / Osborne policies that was in the manifesto because it plays well with Tory focus groups made up of Shires-dwelling scum who hate young people and disabled people. And the poor, obviously.

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They only hate POOR young people, if they've been to Eton and have money from the family then they'll give them a job as a junior executive.


That's true. Disabled people are alright as well as long as they are dead and can be used to deflect difficult questions about the NHS at Prime Ministers Questions.

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