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Dog poohing in my garden.

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Some advice please


I have a suspicion that some one is deliberately letting their dog foul my front garden and the path to my front door. I do not know who is letting their dog do this. I cannot think of anybody I've offended that might cause them to retaliate in this fashion.

I'd appreciate it if anybody could advise me how to put a stop to it.

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My neighbour was doing this at my last house, I kept finding excrement on my (unfenced) Garden, then one day I caught the dog doing it. I tried to shoo it away, the neighbour then started shouting indirectly at me through the (very thin) walls. She would let the children let the dog out, and instead of taking it to their fenced garden, they let it run into mine.

I hate confrontation, so left it, the poop continued to appear, so I started leaving it in the entrance to the shared access round the back of the houses. Someone must have reported it, because it suddenly stopped. It wasn't me, but both my neighbours thought it was :hihi:

They were both horrible so it was karma :D

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Thank all of you for the advice/




If only I could cop the perps. I'll probably use the CCTV option when I can afford the technology.

I cannot for the life of me understand what motivates such people to deliberately encourage their dog to foul their neighbour's garden and path . Like you , my front garden is unfenced. I thought of having a notice made to erect in my garden saying, "Please do not let your dog foul the pavement ".

Edited by petemcewan
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A cheap alternative to CCTV is to use a smartphone.


You can get apps that use the camera to record like a CCTV system would, obviously the phone needs to be plugged, but in essence you could just leave it there to record the dog and the owner.

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