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Npower installing Smart Meters in Sheffield

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I work in the industry.


It IS possible for the meters to be switched from credit to PPM (pay as you go) without having access to it. It is also possible to turn the supply off.


However, despite what some people think, utility companies follow a very strict code of conduct toward their customers and would NEVER cut off supply to a residential property unless in extreme circumstances and certainly not before contact and discussions have been made with the customer.


Similar to switching the meter - the customer would be notified well in advance and someone would also visit the property to talk to them before any action.


---------- Post added 09-03-2017 at 13:36 ----------



Absolutely they can. That's part of the reason for them.

Apart from the Secure EG4V10, I can't think of any others, the Libras certainly can't. I'll agree that there are meters that can be switched to PP, but as you rightly stated, a supplier cannot just switch you to this if you don't agree to it, and cannot legally isolate your gas or electricity supply unless in exceptional circumstances.

Basically the post I was referring to by skyline photos was just the fact that it was a shock and scare post which, whilst not entirely untrue, was certainly very misleading.

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They wont do anything now. They will wait until they are in every home.


So when the big six energy companies finally have us by the balls they will do what they want. Charge us what they want when they want.


Im not into conspiracy theories but im not getting one. :suspect:


Hang on, why have the utility companies got to have Smart Meters installed so they can charge you what they want?


They could do that now.


---------- Post added 09-03-2017 at 21:59 ----------


Apart from the Secure EG4V10, I can't think of any others, the Libras certainly can't. I'll agree that there are meters that can be switched to PP, but as you rightly stated, a supplier cannot just switch you to this if you don't agree to it, and cannot legally isolate your gas or electricity supply unless in exceptional circumstances.

Basically the post I was referring to by skyline photos was just the fact that it was a shock and scare post which, whilst not entirely untrue, was certainly very misleading.


Of course there's always scare stories going round and 'my mate had this done to her' etc


Fact is, smart meters are a very good aid to folk who just don't realise how much power they are using and why their bills are so high. Plus the fact that in the vast majority of cases all the bills they receive will be accurate.

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Fact is, smart meters are a very good aid to folk who just don't realise how much power they are using and why their bills are so high. Plus the fact that in the vast majority of cases all the bills they receive will be accurate.


Part of the reason some peoples bills are high is because poorer people generally are on pre-payment meters and pay over the odds for having it that way. The unit charge is higher and they also pay standing charges. In any case it is easy to get an accurate bill by phoning in a reading when its been estimated. Having smart meters is actually costing everybody extra as its factored in with the charges.


We should have done exactly what Germany did and ignore this EU directive.

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Hang on, why have the utility companies got to have Smart Meters installed so they can charge you what they want?


They could do that now.


---------- Post added 09-03-2017 at 21:59 ----------



Of course there's always scare stories going round and 'my mate had this done to her' etc


Fact is, smart meters are a very good aid to folk who just don't realise how much power they are using and why their bills are so high. Plus the fact that in the vast majority of cases all the bills they receive will be accurate.


All just made up aren't they



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Part of the reason some peoples bills are high is because poorer people generally are on pre-payment meters and pay over the odds for having it that way. The unit charge is higher and they also pay standing charges. In any case it is easy to get an accurate bill by phoning in a reading when its been estimated. Having smart meters is actually costing everybody extra as its factored in with the charges.


We should have done exactly what Germany did and ignore this EU directive.


People with PP meters are on a standard tariff. That's the same tariff if you just paid your bill as it came through the door. Customers who commit to being locked in for a year or 2 and pay by DD get a better deal.


ALL customers pay the standing charge, not just PPM customers.

Edited by Blue Day
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People on smart meters are on a standard tariff. That's the same tariff if you just paid your bill as it came through the door. Customers who commit to being locked in for a year or 2 and pay by DD get a better deal.


ALL customers pay the standing charge, not just PPM customers.


I have a smart meter and I am not on a standard tariff, I also pay by direct debit, which changes depending on how much gas & electricity I use. They are also useful for letting me know when family members haven't switched something off that they should have.

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I have a smart meter and I am not on a standard tariff, I also pay by direct debit, which changes depending on how much gas & electricity I use. They are also useful for letting me know when family members haven't switched something off that they should have.


Sorry my mistake.


I meant those with PP meters not smarts

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People with PP meters are on a standard tariff. That's the same tariff if you just paid your bill as it came through the door. Customers who commit to being locked in for a year or 2 and pay by DD get a better deal.


According to uSwitch:

"The main problem is that, unlike customers on standard meters who can choose from a range of tariffs and plans, energy providers sometimes offer just one tariff to prepayment customers, which is often far more expensive than the supplier’s best tariffs."


Another quote from UKPower:

"The major downside with prepaying for your energy usage is the cost, as it is one of the most expensive."


That is also backed up by my bill as I have just been researching into switching supplier.


ALL customers pay the standing charge, not just PPM customers.


They don't as some companies do not have a standing charge for DD customers and it also varies a lot between companies with a few actually having no standing charge at all. My supplier has also just increased that standing charge but reduced the unit charge.

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nPower's left hand doesn't know what it's right is doing. Every few months I confirm we're on the best tariff, so was surprised that when we had notification of a general price rise I was able to change to a tariff that was cheaper than I was paying already! Must have left it too long. I'm not impressed that those who never check must be being taken to the cleaners on a regular basis. That's less a condemnation of nPower than the whole energy supply system.


It's 2 weeks sine we had our smart meters installed and since then I've had 2 emails requesting meter readings. The first time I called to point out we'd just had smart meters installed and I was assured there'd be no need for any further readings, although a 2 yearly safety check woud have to be made. When I called about the second email it transpired my account hadn't been removed from receiving automatic meter reading requests. The left foot doesn't know what the right foot's doing either!


It gets better as the brain is clearly not connected to any of the legs or hands. We've just had a very smartly dressed man to the door wanting to read the meters. In doing so he suggested the linkages to the section responsible for billing hadn't been done right, but they now are. In the course of all this I confirmed the central computer had picked up a reading 2 days after installation.


Am I confused? Yes. Would the meter reader have a meter installed in his house? No. Am I reassured? No.


Fingesr crossed, and hoping the next bills are indeed lower after all this. In theory we should be saving at least 25% after the switch of tariff and our domestic economy drive. Watch this space. I'm not usually a pioneer of new technology, but agreed with the smart meter idea.

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Anything sold as "smart" is usually a bad thing. Its to try and trick you that it's a great thing so you don't question it.


Smart meters - continually report back your detailed electricity consumption in 15-minute windows, producing a record in a govt database of when you are in/out/doing much.


Smart bombs in Iraq - lots of innocent people killed.


Smart motorways - riddled with surveillance cameras

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