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Martial Artists: Why do you train?

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crayfish fights like a man possesed.... i've got about 20 stone on him but he is a bendy man, and a pleasure to roll with.... oh and if you study really hard you can dodge a bullet..... i saw that guy in the matrix do it..... and it has to be real if its on telly.

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Eek, I weigh something like -4 stones? Can't be healthy :)


Was a good roll we had the other day! Not going to be training for a couple of weeks now though so my fitness will be somewhere around zero next time we meet :D

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I got into my art like most I was bullied as a kid and got fed up with it so it was a kind of necessity but what has kept me training in traditional arts compared to MMA, well the instructor. If the instructor only looks at the fancy stuff then all you are doing is glorified aerobics but if the instructor looks at the practical then the world is your oyster. At the end of the day traditional MT came about from necessity the need to protect your self and all they did was use what worked for them, isn’t that all that MMA do???????? So what’s the difference between MMA and TMA??????


If it works it works.



If you want to do some Chinese Martial arts come see me ill show you its not all like in the movies and flash.

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- Good way to channel stress and frustration of everyday life into something constructive

- Keeps me in good shape and fit

- I enjoy the competition and the buzz you get when you know you're good at something

- We have a laugh at training as well and it takes my mind off things :)

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I started because I wanted to do some self defence and a friend was already training.

I carried on because I enjoy the training and I like the people I train with.


Training for self defence is far from pointless. Just because a martial art isn't going to help if you're hit by a tactical nuke doesn't render it pointless. Most of the time people don't have tac nukes in their bag, so if you've trained for the most common self defence scenario then it may well be of some use to you at some point.


It's always worth making the point in training that if someone attacks you with a knife, you should expect to get cut. The trick is making sure you don't get killed.

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It started from reading nutrition and supplement, vitamins I bumped into a friend who does a lot of reading on Nutralite and we got chatting in a cafe at wicker about health, sports and I noticed he had a leaflet on Thai boxing and I enquired and well, I went and kept on training but moved Thai Boxing, then kicking boxing and then Kung Fu.


I think in back of my mind though what kept me training was me going home at night to see those big bellies of some people coming out of the pub and that was enough to keep me training. :hihi:

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I started just because I fancied something to do, so that means I have been doing traditional Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate for 22 years!


I still do it because it challenges me mentally and physically, I certainly don't practice it for the fighting skills it has endowed me with. As no matter how good you are there is always someone better!





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Hi Cyclone,


You know of the course that the self defence technique for a tactical nuke is 2 tactical nukes ;)


I don't deny that training for self defence might help you in a violent situation, but what I mean to say is, is it really a valid reason for training?


Would it not be more worthwhile to train in an environment where you get hit and submitted because you enjoy the sport, you like testing your zone of comfort, you like being part of a group of interesting people, the challenge etc etc and after 10 years being able to say, wow, I've had such a satisfying experience and what a bonus! I don't think anyone would pick me to attack nowadays!


Be aware of the guys who collect knives and wear camoflage trousers for no apparent reason.. thats what happens when you worry to much about self defence!

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I starting in the first istance because both parents trained in karate so naturally i did, and once into it i loved it. the atmosphere and the traditional parts of it are inspiring.


Mostly the fact that you can never know it all, so are always improving.



I'd also like to know what keeps someone training in say, kung fu or karate for 10 years (or more). I don't mean this as an insult, but most people would agree that a boxer training for 3 years would be more likely to win a fight against this person. Even more so a person with MMA training. So what makes you so dedicated? Please understand that I tred to phrase that without it sounding like a dig, it certainly was not intended.


thanks for your responses.


This isnt a dig Jimanyjim, but what basis do you think a boxer with 3 years experiance would win against a karate ka with 10 years?

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