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Martial Artists: Why do you train?

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Hopefully none as both boxers and jitsuka have more sense than to go and fight on the street. But you never know who it is that decides your head looks like a punching bag after you've had 8 pints.

I suspect that a lot of street violence (this is a personal theory) is precipitated by thugs who get a kick out of it.

As such, they don't go out and drink, or no more than a pint or two, and they pick a target they think they can hurt without getting any pain in return.


Either that, or the fight flairs up from nothing with huge haymakers being thrown around (having watched the saturday night cctv programs).

Training in anything is going to improve your chances of coming out of either scenario better off than before you trained.

But if your intent is to learn to defend yourself in that situation, then you have to learn how best to spend your limited training time.

To be honest, it's probably not spending 10 years on a single style (as i've done) and earning your 1st dan and becoming an instructor.

I think you can get an awful lot out of most styles (with regular) training with a few years (maybe more for your first style...)


As I said earlier though, i train for more reasons than just self defence, and won't kid myself that my style has all the answers. Fortunately i've already done 5 years of tkd (not the type where you can't hit the head), and since then 10 years of traditional jj. Now i'm lucking at a bit of bjj (went 1st time tonight and had a great time, although i am knackered). And if I had the time I love to do a bit of proper boxing training and sparring (not matches, i have no wish to get brain damage), maybe even kickboxing, could get along to chefkickers club/gym sometime maybe... When they introduce an 8th day into the week :D


8th Day of the week !!!


Really that was a classic, you know youll be more than welcome at AFK cyclone, come down with crayfish if you like or alone, more than welcome anyhow.

Crayfish speaks highly of you by the way, hes a very friendly member of the group and I love the way he visits all the different clubs and gets to know everyone. Brilliant ambassador for martial arts in general.

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We do usually do more technique than that as a whole class and when sparring with complete novices, the more experienced partner would generally use that opportunity to run them through some techniques. With you having done a lot before, perhaps the people you were sparring with thought that you'd be okay to jump straight in. You certainly seemed fairly comfortable with doing so and you picked up the few techniques I had a chance to show you quickly.


Sparring can be a good way to learn techniques too though - if someone does something and you'd like to know what it was, don't be afraid to ask them to show it to you - everyone's happy to distribute knowledge, makes them feel important ;)


Thanks Farhad, see you on Friday!

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We do usually do more technique than that as a whole class and when sparring with complete novices, the more experienced partner would generally use that opportunity to run them through some techniques. With you having done a lot before, perhaps the people you were sparring with thought that you'd be okay to jump straight in. You certainly seemed fairly comfortable with doing so and you picked up the few techniques I had a chance to show you quickly.


Sparring can be a good way to learn techniques too though - if someone does something and you'd like to know what it was, don't be afraid to ask them to show it to you - everyone's happy to distribute knowledge, makes them feel important ;)


Thanks Farhad, see you on Friday!


Easy Crayfish, bring your MMA mitts! You might need them :P

Do you live on here or something?

Im in my office studying opponents for my september show!

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Pretty much :D I don't actually have any MMA mitts except these wierd foam things I found at a carboot, that's another thing on the to buy list for if I ever have any money!


I have some cheap MMA mitts im selling off if you want a pair?

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