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Sick Parcelforce couriers charged up to £250 if they can't find cover

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I'm assuming it's a contract for services drawn up by Parcel Force that you have to sign up to if you want jobs from them, and that the contract for services has a penalty clause in it for if you can't fulfill the job. I'm struggling to see what other arrangement it could be based on without compromising the self-employed status of the drivers.


Exactly that I would have thought. The contract between Parcelforce and the sub contractor is to provide the service, with a charge applied if the service isn't provided.


The sub contractor is free to sub contract the work out to someone else in the event of being unable to fulfil their side of the deal.


Has anyone actually thought that the £250 figure quoted is actually the daily rate of the subcontractor?

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The £250 figure quoted wouldn't be the daily rate .. They would be paid per delivery and per collection. The £250 daily rate wouldn't be far of what they could earn but would depend on what deliveries they had on that specific day and what their collections would kick out.

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No-one is disputing that there's a contract between parcel force and their self employed workers specifying that the worker has to pay £250 when they can't cover their round due to illness.


Yes- to get their job, the worker has had to sign a document stating that if they are sick, they must pay £250: increasingly this is what workers are having to do if they want to stay off benefits.:huh:


As we rush ever closer to the point where abstract corporations become the dominant life form on this planet, leaving human beings as nothing other than disposable cogs serving the systems they created initially to serve them; we have a small window of opportunity to open our eyes, see the insanity of where we're heading, and commit to saying 'no' to grossly unfair working practices like the above.


Rise above the bleatings of the apologists and recognise the fundamental issue here, which is that employees are, to keep their jobs, being forced to pay £250 for every day that they are too ill to work:mad::mad::mad:

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The world truly has gone to s**t- we are living in the age of the apologists :(


I'm not an apologist. Seeking clarity before making a judgement is something lacking these days, and something that I consider the world truly going to <removed>, as it happens.

Edited by nikki-red
Masked swearing
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An owner driver can take as many days off that they want, so long as they supply a suitable vehicle with a trained driver to undertake the contracted work.

Illness may be only one of many reasons that an OD may choose to supply an alternate.


If you are capable and willing to work hard long hours, you can make good money.

If not, it isn't the work for you.

Don't get into it if you haven't got a backup plan in case of vehicle or personal problems.

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No-one is disputing that there's a contract between parcel force and their self employed workers specifying that the worker has to pay £250 when they can't cover their round due to illness.


Yes- to get their job, the worker has had to sign a document stating that if they are sick, they must pay £250: increasingly this is what workers are having to do if they want to stay off benefits.:huh:


As we rush ever closer to the point where abstract corporations become the dominant life form on this planet, leaving human beings as nothing other than disposable cogs serving the systems they created initially to serve them; we have a small window of opportunity to open our eyes, see the insanity of where we're heading, and commit to saying 'no' to grossly unfair working practices like the above.


Rise above the bleatings of the apologists and recognise the fundamental issue here, which is that employees are, to keep their jobs, being forced to pay £250 for every day that they are too ill to work:mad::mad::mad:


Well said. I think we can safely assume by the way that self-employed workers engaged by Parcel Force are not getting £250 a day, that would equate to £65k per year! They ought to get a union involved and then in the run up to Christmas drop a very short notice boycott on Parcel Force and demand a change to the contract.

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