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Another vote t'other side of the Border.

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It was about Sovereignty to you, not to most who voted Leave, and certainly not 96% of them, a statistic I think you know the significance of.

Just out of interest, why didn`t the Leave campaign put that on the side of their bus then ? Why did they choose to put the NHS lie ? I accept you were not responsible for it, nor condone it, but that`s what they decided to do. Surely they had their reasons for putting it on there ?


But I was actually talking about why the Tories put the referendum on their manifesto when most people just weren`t that bothered. Thus Cameron has a LOT to answer for.



Point out where it said "Kind of half leave the EU" on your ballot paper.


Government policy on Brexit is supported by the UK people: https://tinyurl.com/zfyaesp


The will of the people is being done. All this other stuff guessing about the motives of certain politicians is just noise.

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I agree with you but you`re also forgetting that, before the last election, 85% of voters weren`t sufficiently bothered about Europe to even put it in their top three of issues.


As pointed out previously the poll question asked specifically about Europe and not the EU. The poll sample size was 1842 adults and was taken before the last election.


The questions were: "Which of the following do you think are the most important issues facing the country at this time? Please tick up to three."


The Economy 52%

Health 45%

Immigration and Asylum 48%

Welfare benefits 32%

Housing 21%

Education 16%

Europe 15%


Now have a look at the top three.. notice how Health, and Immigration and Asylum are in it. That may give you a pointer as to why leave used it to their advantage.

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I don`t agree with what you`re saying but I don`t want to get bogged down in a Brexit thread, I don`t bother with it any more because it`s just the same arguments going round in circles. I will re enter that particular argument if and when the UK does not get the trade deal promised by the leave campaign, though that may well be months or years before it`s clear. There are some choice Brexiteer quotes I`d like to put back on here.


What I`d like to know from you Brexiteers, is how Theresa May can say she thinks it`s unfair to the Scots to have an Independence referendum when they don`t know the terms of Brexit, when we didn`t know any (in fact much less than we even know now) when we had to vote in our referendum. Is there any excuse whatsoever for that hypocrisy ?

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I don`t agree with what you`re saying but I don`t want to get bogged down in a Brexit thread, I don`t bother with it any more because it`s just the same arguments going round in circles. I will re enter that particular argument if and when the UK does not get the trade deal promised by the leave campaign, though that may well be months or years before it`s clear. There are some choice Brexiteer quotes I`d like to put back on here.


What I`d like to know from you Brexiteers, is how Theresa May can say she thinks it`s unfair to the Scots to have an Independence referendum when they don`t know the terms of Brexit, when we didn`t know any (in fact much less than we even know now) when we had to vote in our referendum. Is there any excuse whatsoever for that hypocrisy ?

No hypocrisy just common sense and being fair to the Scots.

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Brexit will and must happen, it is the will of the majority of people who voted. The Remoaners should stop moaning and get behind Brexit and show the EU we have a united Country, which would go a long way to helping Mz May in her efforts to get a good deal for us.




It doesn't seem rather united to me, when we have people belitting others as Remoaners though. Why on earth you think I should get behind you when you have such an excreable attitude as that is beyond me.

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Scottish parliament back Sturgeons call for a new referendum 69 to 59



The vote is for permission to hold a referendum before the UK leaves the EU and it didn't get much of a majority either. Theresa May has already stated that the Government wont let them hold one till after we leave, so its just a token stance from them.

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