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Another vote t'other side of the Border.

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It doesn't seem rather united to me, when we have people belitting others as Remoaners though. Why on earth you think I should get behind you when you have such an excreable attitude as that is beyond me.



Well, that diatribe gave me a laugh. Trust me on this, I have no sway on what happens on the Brexit discussions, wish I had.


As for the term "Remoaner" by gum it fit's you perfectly well. Just my opinion, others may think differently. I am waiting to catch the proverbial dummy when you spit it out tomorrow, Brexit Day.



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The vote is for permission to hold a referendum before the UK leaves the EU and it didn't get much of a majority either. Theresa May has already stated that the Government wont let them hold one till after we leave, so its just a token stance from them.

It is proper etiquette. They cannot reasonably go ahead and hold their own referendum without first having been refused permission for an official one.

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The vote is for permission to hold a referendum before the UK leaves the EU and it didn't get much of a majority either. Theresa May has already stated that the Government wont let them hold one till after we leave, so its just a token stance from them.


Indeed. Sturgeon knows she won't get another referendum before 2020.


It's basic politics. We'll Brexit and Scotland will come with us against their wishes. And then the SNP will turn round and argue they were forced to Brexit without a choice despite the Scottish parliament voting for another referendum.


It's a long game. Sturgeon has done May over on this one and Cameron will be delighted that May will ultimately get the blame for breaking up the UK.

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It's not within the power of the Scottish parliament to hold a referendum.

It's equivalent to Canute and the tide.


Any fool with the appropriate access to polling stations and ballot boxes can hold a referendum, though obviously any such referendum could only be advisory...

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Any fool with the appropriate access to polling stations and ballot boxes can hold a referendum, though obviously any such referendum could only be advisory...

Maggie, sorry i mean Theresa will come charging up there as fast as you can say "dont take my ballot boxes off me miss" to take their ballott boxes away

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