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THINK I've just been caught speeding on motorway

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Not proud of this whatsoever but I believe I've just been flashed by a fixed camera on the M1 southbound on the 4 lane bit several miles from Barnsley.There was no speed limit displayed on the section itself but I think I was doing 90mph or JUST over.What would be the most likely outcome of this? I'm worried now I might lose my licence.I have been driving for about 21 years and I've not even had a parking ticket let alone a speeding offence.

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Depends on the speed. but if you're under 95mph then the guidelines say its a fixed penalty so probably 3 points and £100 or maybe 6 points.


But you won't get banned unless you were over 95mph or they decide to take you to court against the guidelines (they are just guidelines after all)

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Not proud of this whatsoever but I believe I've just been flashed by a fixed camera on the M1 southbound on the 4 lane bit several miles from Barnsley.There was no speed limit displayed on the section itself but I think I was doing 90mph or JUST over.What would be the most likely outcome of this? I'm worried now I might lose my licence.I have been driving for about 21 years and I've not even had a parking ticket let alone a speeding offence.


It`s a good job you've admitted you`re not proud of it. 90mph is way over the limit, a closing speed of 30mph or more with slower moving motorway traffic. I`d have thought you`ll definitely get a speeding conviction (and well deserved it will be). If you don`t there`s something deeply wrong somewhere.

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90mph on your speedo is most likely actually in the high 80's are almost all speedo's over-read by a small degree.

3 points and a fine, or if you're mega lucky one of those fun speeding courses everyone raves about.


I assume you're talking about the camera thats between J35a and J35??


because abit further north the one between J39 and J40 is totally knackered and flashes all the time for a laugh.

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Speed awareness courses would normally be offered up to and including 86mph, assuming you've not done one in the last 3 years.

If the car is registered in your name, and the address on the V5c is correct, then you should expect to receive a NIP/S172 form within 14 days, so up to a fortnight's wait I'm afraid.

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Loads of people do 90 on the motorway, ignore the infinitely superior people on here, I'm amazed they can even see from the incredibly high horse they find themselves perched on! It wasn't long ago there were government campaigns to raise the speed limit!


The cameras are the HADECS3 ones, in theory they can be enabled when there is no speed reduction in place, so 'always on' but it depends on the authority. I've also seen the one op towards Leeds flash when no restrictions are in place but I've not been able to find out if they are always active. I can't see it though, I've seen people go past them in excess of 90 and nothing happen.


You certainly won't get banned, points and a fine at worst.


Please let me know though if you do get a fine, be good to know conclusively if they are active when no restrictions are in place. :)

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90mph on the Motorway in a newish vehicle is perfectly safe so I wouldn't feel too guilty. I'd feel daft though as these days you are probably never more than 5 miles away from a mobile rip off camera. I know the camera's you mean, I have never noticed them flash but I stick my cruise control on 75 just in case. I have seen cars fly past me though and not get flashed. Like Neeeeeek said, it'll be interesting to know if you do get a fixed penalty to see if the cameras are "on" when no restrictions are in place. Hope you get away with it.

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90mph on your speedo is most likely actually in the high 80's are almost all speedo's over-read by a small degree.

3 points and a fine, or if you're mega lucky one of those fun speeding courses everyone raves about.


I assume you're talking about the camera thats between J35a and J35??


because abit further north the one between J39 and J40 is totally knackered and flashes all the time for a laugh.


After doing the course, next time I'd rather takes the points and a fine.


Its excruciatingly painful.

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