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THINK I've just been caught speeding on motorway

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A decent solicitor would get it thrown out of court.

The limit is 70, but a judge won't entertain some plod trying to do a motorist for 71mph.


Thank you but I'm cool with it, it was Willman's bag not mine :thumbsup:


People know the rules, if they break them there's a chance that one day they'll get caught or worse. I don't have a problem with the latter, its the game they play, the downside is that they have zero respect or thought for others.

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but why try and enforce tailgating when everyone is on their phone anyway??


Personally I see 20x more people on their phone than I do tailgating.


Nearly impossible to catch in an automated way though. Car separation can however be easily monitored and persistent offenders can be dealt with.


Interesting comments re:autobahn, so what it's showing is that as speed increases fatalities are more likely, even if accidents are not.

Comparisons with other roads are less helpful than the limited/unlimited comparison IMO.

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but why try and enforce tailgating when everyone is on their phone anyway??


Personally I see 20x more people on their phone than I do tailgating.


I think we must drive on different roads...I see tailgating every single day. Remember in your driving test when they talk about 'only a fool breaks the 2 second rule'? Well try it and see just how far back you need to be for that to be maintained and now look at how many drivers are within that gap and are therefore tailgating. You don't need to be inches off someone's bumper to be tailgating. Clearly the 2 second rule is very rough but it would still give you a good idea of just how large a gap we should be leaving.

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I think we must drive on different roads...I see tailgating every single day.


Since it's not officially defined it's very subjective.


The double chevrons you get on some motorways are very good, but totally useless if the traffic slows to 50

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There will, they'll keep getting reduced, look at the NSL limits being changed to 50 limits all over the country.

Unfortunately this just discredits the entire notion and makes it more likely that they will be ignored.


Very true. There was a NSL dual carriageway near me that went to 50 then 40mph.


Crashes still occur, but they don't seem to understand that and will no doubt make it 30mph before putting up cameras.

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If the main objective of camaras is for safety why are the majority at placements in positions most likey to catch offenders rather than in areas where safety issues have been highlighted.


An example is Normanton Hill where residents campaigned for years for cameras to the stretch where people cross to get to the opposite estate, nothing was done and Jasmine Chan was tragically killed.

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So fast!!! Its a perfectly reasonable speed for a modern car with an experienced driver on a motorway, anybody who isn't capable driving at that speed safely shouldn't be on the road. If I'd been doing any other task for 30yrs I'd be considered to be wholly competant at it, drivers are treated like idiots.


Anybody driving at that speed on British Roads isn't driving safely and indeed shouldn't be on the road.

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Anybody driving at that speed on British Roads isn't driving safely and indeed shouldn't be on the road.


Give over.

When I had the jag, I used to cruise at the ton all the time.

it is people dawdling that cause the problems.

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