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Sheffield Arena to close?

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I personally feel that the arena will be kept to maintain Sheffield's ' big city ' name.


Every big city I believe has a large arena.


I do not believe it when people say that the arena does not attract large names. Aren't Iron Maiden visiting soon? Green Day are visiting and they have WWE coming every year.


I do feel that the exterior has a dilapidated look and could do with a bit of sprucing up, but I feel it will be here for years to come.

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It is noticeable that the person starting this thread appears to have done a runner.


This is not surprising as there appears to be not the slightest truth in his allegation – a work of fiction from beginning to end.


More worryingly, there are more Fake Facts and False Assertions on this thread than at a Donald Trump Press Conference.


It really is quite depressing.


No I am still here, and it will happen.

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There's not a deal wrong with the building, but something should be done about the way paying customers are treated. Again at the Iron Maiden gig tram travellers treated like cattle. Utterly disgusting. I rather hope it does close now.

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I went to see Russell Howard at the Arena last friday, the first time I've been back there since they installed the new seats. I don't know whose bright idea it was to install seating that goes from 'just enough leg room' to 'painfully crushing kneecaps' as soon as someone sits in the seat in front of you but I have never been in so much pain in my life apart from the occasional kidney stone. That's the kind of pain I was in on Frday after 1 hour and 30 minutes of trying to sit through a comedy show in a chair designed by some sadist.


Maybe it's not an issue that affects most people as I'm above the average height but I've never sat in any seat that seemed to perfectly designed to prevent you from moving your legs. I'd like to apologise to everyone on my row who I forced to stand up to let me leave early when the pain finally became more than I could endure.


I've got tickets for another show this year but now I'm seriously thinking about not going to it just because of how bad the pain inflicted by that seating was. No act is so appealing that it is worth enduring that again.


Oh and one other thing... and at the risk of sounding even more like a moaning old git... did they really need to play the pre-show music at rock concert volumes? It was so loud they made a Coldplay song sound like heavy metal. :headbang:


Have you given this feedback to the Arena? They need to know.


Depending on the response, I'd think about sharing it further on Social media.

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There's not a deal wrong with the building, but something should be done about the way paying customers are treated. Again at the Iron Maiden gig tram travellers treated like cattle. Utterly disgusting. I rather hope it does close now.


a disgrace of a comment

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The airport we had, (off Shepcote Lane,) that our rubbish Sheffield Council failed to support, and ended up selling for £1 in the dodgiest deal you never heard of.


I would have given em a £1000 for it! :)

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