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Office temperature disagreements

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This issue causes so many fallouts in our office.


Guidance shows the "optimum" temperature should be between 20-22 degress (not sure who this is optimum for presumably means most productive) which is too hot for some (like me) and too cold for others.


So how do you decide what to set your temperature at and what instructions are given to those not happy with this decision.

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Everyone here likes to play with the temperature control to set it to what they want. It keeps them amused and happy.


I've not told them it's not actually connected to the heating system. But when they turn it up they feel warmer... and people moan it's too hot... then they turn it down and other people complain it's too cold.


Meanwhile it's a steady 21C....

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This issue causes so many fallouts in our office.


Guidance shows the "optimum" temperature should be between 20-22 degress (not sure who this is optimum for presumably means most productive) which is too hot for some (like me) and too cold for others.


So how do you decide what to set your temperature at and what instructions are given to those not happy with this decision.


Is there air con in the office?

If so there will be cold parts and warmer parts and there will be draughty areas which feel colder and still areas which feel warmer.

Do you have a thermometer, or are you assuming that the air con succeeds in achieving the room temperature it is assigned? Because that would be a poor assumption.


If any of these things sound familiar, the solution is to move people to the parts of the room which suit them better.

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The age old office temperature struggle. I find threatening to strip down to my undies stops discussion of turning the temperature up. I brought in a mobile digital thermostat to ours once and found it was 26 degrees and one of the girls was still cold!

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If they are cold tell them to put a sweater on.

I used to get this all the time from women coming in wearing clothes more suited for the Canary Islands than for an English office in spring. :cool:


Bare legs and sleeveless tops may look decorative, :love: but they are not functional wear.

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Everyone here likes to play with the temperature control to set it to what they want. It keeps them amused and happy.


I've not told them it's not actually connected to the heating system. But when they turn it up they feel warmer... and people moan it's too hot... then they turn it down and other people complain it's too cold.


Meanwhile it's a steady 21C....


Similar thing here; set the auto aircon to 21*c and it does very little, I have to set it to 28*c if I really want it to get warm.

But in my minibus most have their outdoor coats on, its just the softies dont like 'cool' conditions.

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This issue causes so many fallouts in our office.


Guidance shows the "optimum" temperature should be between 20-22 degress (not sure who this is optimum for presumably means most productive) which is too hot for some (like me) and too cold for others.


So how do you decide what to set your temperature at and what instructions are given to those not happy with this decision.


This is an ongoing issue at my place of work, the office does not have air con and the storage heaters are on at the moment, I reckon it's around 26 degrees in the office. But heaven forbid if I open a window, the daggers come out and the fake shivers.


It is really silly as well as it is usually (not always) the ladies in the office complaining it is cold and the men (not always) complaining it is hot. Unfortunately I work in a sexist work place, were basically woman can within reason wear what they like but the men have to wear suits.


So the ladies sit there in skirts with bare legs and tops with bare arms complaining they're too cold and the men sit there sweating in suits.


I have started wearing smart polo shirts to work this week and if anyone confronts me about it I will be saying that I cannot work properly in a suit due to the temperature in the office. Could start world war three we shall soon see.

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