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Office temperature disagreements

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I once worked in a calibration lab. The optimum temperature maintained in there was 20 degrees C (68 F)...Mind you, that was so the gauges I was calibrating didn't expand or contract to any great degree. But personally, I found it an ideal temperature to work in. But this of course doesn't take into account cold spots (by doorways) or indeed hotspots. As long as it's maintained, it's fine to work in.

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I'm a bit of a furnace and like a cooler temperature at work.


Rather than fight an unwinnable battle with people whom I like, I bought a cheap USB fan, which does a good job keeping me cool until around 24 degrees. The fans take almost no power, it amazes me how well they work; and given how cheap, how long they last.




I can remember in the 1990s Honeywell had a big design programme to create individual climate controls per desk -- they claimed temp was the biggest source of office friction.


Great topic!

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