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Roads closed due to bike event 19/03/2017

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No, cos it sounds too much like 'smoking CAN cause cancer'- it's a true statement, but it's also the kind of tepid apologist rhetoric beloved by those manipulistic tobacco industry bought scientists who ensured that decades passed while millions of the public died as they delayed proper public health measures by lobbying and manipulated 'scientific' studies.


Why don't we agree on the aforementioned 'driving alone doesn't cause obesity, it's just one of the factors', which has the advantage of being true without the added apologist tint?


Possibly but driving is well down on a list of other factors.


---------- Post added 22-03-2017 at 21:57 ----------


I've never understood why people object to threads going "off topic" It would be weird if conversations stayed on one topic all the time. Meeting up with friends would be strange ... "I'm sorry we can't talk about what happened in the football, as out topic for this coffee is 'Christine from accounts'"


Spill the beans then, what have you heard about her..

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Why income? A good diet is not an expensive diet. Substitute education for income and you may be close.


The fact is that the wealthy are far less likely to be obese, they're also far more likely to spend time thinking about their general health. They have higher health scores (populations, not individuals) when measured on any level, they live longer, they have less illness, etc, etc... Wealth begets all kind of privilege and health privilege is one of those begat.


---------- Post added 22-03-2017 at 22:06 ----------


"A sedentary lifestyle contributes to increased weight, and cars are expensive to run".


Is far less catchy as a phrase.


I obviously cycle, I talk about it on the forum quite a bit. I also obviously drive and enjoy doing so, I spend a lot of money having the car I want. Like everything in life, keep things in balance and there is no problem.

I wouldn't try to commute to Leeds by cycle when I have to work there, but commuting to the city centre is faster by bike.


---------- Post added 22-03-2017 at 22:07 ----------


I've never understood why people object to threads going "off topic" It would be weird if conversations stayed on one topic all the time. Meeting up with friends would be strange ... "I'm sorry we can't talk about what happened in the football, as out topic for this coffee is 'Christine from accounts'"


Arguably the chat room is like a conversation with friends. A thread is closer to a formal debate on a given topic.

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