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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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It isn't clear though is it. It's speculation at best.


Nope it's all based on things Brexit leaders said, things ministers have said and on policy that is being developed.


---------- Post added 22-04-2017 at 09:17 ----------


Not sure about your second point sorry. Is the inference that once we've kicked one out we go for more, if it is then I have no interest in removing people, that's not to say that it isn't on the minds of others though.


You have no interest in removing people any more than I do, but some Brexit voters really believed people would be getting kicked out on 24 June

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Nope it's all based on things Brexit leaders said, things ministers have said and on policy that is being developed.


---------- Post added 22-04-2017 at 09:17 ----------



You have no interest in removing people any more than I do, but some Brexit voters really believed people would be getting kicked out on 24 June


There's an ugly side I agree with you there.

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Some people need to move on. People are free to choose to vote a particular way for their own reasons. People inventing theories about why someone voted a particular way to attempt to discredit a democratic result, is just a waste of energy. We should all be working together to make Brexit work, regardless of how we personally voted. Brexit is the future and the referendum is now in the past.

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Some people need to move on. People are free to choose to vote a particular way for their own reasons. People inventing theories about why someone voted a particular way to attempt to discredit a democratic result, is just a waste of energy. We should all be working together to make Brexit work, regardless of how we personally voted. Brexit is the future and the referendum is now in the past.


dream on.

It will never happen.

You are expecting people to deliberately assist in the destruction of their own country.

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Some people need to move on. People are free to choose to vote a particular way for their own reasons. People inventing theories about why someone voted a particular way to attempt to discredit a democratic result, is just a waste of energy. We should all be working together to make Brexit work, regardless of how we personally voted. Brexit is the future and the referendum is now in the past.



Your post is contradicting itself,if people are free to vote in a particular way for their own reasons,then they are free to vote against the Tories hard Brexit in the coming election,so in calling everybody to work together to make it work,you are in effect saying to everybody to back May and forget about the alternatives.

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Some people need to move on. People are free to choose to vote a particular way for their own reasons. People inventing theories about why someone voted a particular way to attempt to discredit a democratic result, is just a waste of energy. We should all be working together to make Brexit work, regardless of how we personally voted. Brexit is the future and the referendum is now in the past.


FFS, don't any of you understand democracy?!

Just let me explain some of the more rudimentary elements of it.

Democracy is not a caucus, obtaining a result by promises, and then doing what it likes with the people. There ought to be a constant relationship between the rulers and the people. "Government of the people, by the people, for the people," still remains the sovereign definition of democracy. There is no correspondence between this broad conception and the outlook of Her Majesty's Government.

Democracy, does not mean, "We have got our majority, never mind how, so what are you going to do about it?"

That is not democracy.

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I am stating the facts, and I appreciate they are uncomfortable.


We are joined at the hip in political union with some of the poorest and impoverished nations on our continent. I too would be making that 30 hour long coach trip to Sheffield if I lived in [



We have a deeply unfair two-tier immigration system in place today which we cannot change because our hands are tied by European Union law.


I1L2T3 - Tinkering with our benefits system does nothing to stem immigration. As many economists point out our benefits system is simply the icing on the cake for many economic migrants. If you were to hypothetically remove benefits completely (which we can't under EU law), you are still left with a rich economic gateau and that's the biggest draw for economic migrants. Your average Bulgarian doctor earns less than the UK's current personal allowance.


So what's the solution. Do we drive our economy into the ground to make us less attractive? Destroy the foundations of our redistributive welfare state?


Of course not. We call up customer services and terminate the agreement.





That's not the point. Leaving the EU means the UK can finally take a deep breath and re-examine it's entire immigration system. It means we can craft an immigration system that works for Britain. It means we can legally forgo the two-tier system and finally treat everyone equally under a single-tier system.​



Now this is what I like,Brexiters admitting that it was all about immigration,at whatever cost it might come at.

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Some people need to move on. People are free to choose to vote a particular way for their own reasons. People inventing theories about why someone voted a particular way to attempt to discredit a democratic result, is just a waste of energy. We should all be working together to make Brexit work, regardless of how we personally voted. Brexit is the future and the referendum is now in the past.


Who is trying to discredit the result?


Trying to understand what comes next is all that is happening. Exiting the EU will cause big changes to happen and problems to emerge. Discussing that is an inevitable consequence of the process being progressed.


I just cannot fathom why some Brexiteers are so threatened by the inevitable discussion of negative consequences of the referendum result. Even the more coherent and rational Brexit supporters on here admit there will be changes and problems to deal with.

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So yet another of the lies of Brexit seems doomed to fail...


"Britain has been pushed behind the European Union in the queue to strike a free-trade deal with the United States, officials in Washington have said."




So much for Mr Garage and his special relationship

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