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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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Although the referendum was advisory most people voting would not have realised that and the advice by the Government in their leaflets was:


"This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide."


The leaflet was sent to all householders so there can be no mistake on what it meant despite it being Pro-EU and containing some lies. It also never stated in it that the referendum was advisory for the simple fact referendums are usually advisory unless it changes law. It was also very clear from that leaflet what action the government would take. After the triggering of A50 went to court and the government lost its appeal it finally went to parliament and was passed unanimously. That means that parliament then advised it to go ahead fulfilling the advisory role.


So yes it was advisory but that advise was to go ahead and leave the EU as thats what the majority voted.


It's being implemented though ;)


Next issue is how.


That is what is effectively up for grabs.

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Although the referendum was advisory most people voting would not have realised that and the advice by the Government in their leaflets was:


"This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide."


Many people knew it was advisory because it was reported in several of the big newspapers (including the Mail IIRC).

And upon what basis are we expect the government to honour their promise?

They were all stood up on TV lying nine ways to sideways.


It is a complete and abject dichotomy: on the one hand we cannot complain that the result was based on lies because we know that politicians lie and we should expect it of them, and on the other, we have to treat the result as binding because politicians said it would be.


It is logically inconsistent.

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Many people knew it was advisory because it was reported in several of the big newspapers (including the Mail IIRC).


Then its not necessary to keep telling people it was advisory as it serves no purpose.


And upon what basis are we expect the government to honour their promise?


The basis for that was set out in that governments leaflet and to do otherwise would have been inconsistent.

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The basis for that was set out in that governments leaflet and to do otherwise would have been inconsistent.


The inconsistency is in expecting them to honour a promise when the entire campaign was built on lies.

Either we knew what we were voting for, or we didn't: you can't have it both ways.

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The inconsistency is in expecting them to honour a promise when the entire campaign was built on lies.

Either we knew what we were voting for, or we didn't: you can't have it both ways.


I agree but we did know what we were voting for as it was either stay or leave.

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I agree but we did know what we were voting for as it was either stay or leave.


We knew we were voting in an advisory referendum after a campaign based on lies.

Only a completely incompetent buffoon would expect to take that as a clear instruction.

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We knew we were voting in an advisory referendum after a campaign based on lies.

Only a completely incompetent buffoon would expect to take that as a clear instruction.


Like in any election, in this referendum the people will have judged the campaigning on both sides and made their decision accordingly. Although I stated the govt leaflet had lies in it, it didn't, it had assumptions on how we would be better off staying in. So sorry for that.


I think that both camps actually fell short of stating direct lies during the campaign and most of what was stated was not direct lies but only implied statements. If both sides did lie then the people stating them would be prosecuted. In politics its not really what you say but how you put it over and convince people that what you are saying is the truth.

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