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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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Is it some form of rhetoric code?;) A bit more info would help.


Simple point really. Do you think May would pig-headedly pursue full Brexit if the UK started to break apart and the economy was crumbling because of it. In that scenario what cards would there be to play? She's very good at u-turns and it seems one of the most impressively pragmatic politicians for many a year.

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Simple point really. Do you think May would pig-headedly pursue full Brexit if the UK started to break apart and the economy was crumbling because of it. In that scenario what cards would there be to play?


But that is an "if" and all I can say is as I dont foresee that happening, quite the opposite in fact especially after the GE.


She's very good at u-turns and it seems one of the most impressively pragmatic politicians for many a year.


To be honest I cant see the problem with any politician normally doing a U-Turn when its necessary but I cant see here doing one on Brexit.

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It comes under the category of “undue influence” as it is considered corrupt practice and the offence includes the use of a “fraudulent device or contrivance.” Its then up to the Director of Public Prosecutions to consider.


Do you really think this will happen?

We had one of the biggest liars in office who lied/misled the UK in to waging a war which has caused the death of millions and no one is able to make him answer for his atrocities.

" now mrs May, about these electoral irregularities that have caused a little consternation amongst the populace".

Hardly compares.

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But that is an "if" and all I can say is as I dont foresee that happening, quite the opposite in fact especially after the GE.




To be honest I cant see the problem with any politician normally doing a U-Turn when its necessary but I cant see here doing one on Brexit.


Problem is half the country don't want to leave the EU.


I cannot see that changing. In fact I can see that sentiment intensifying.

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Problem is half the country don't want to leave the EU.


I cannot see that changing. In fact I can see that sentiment intensifying.


One of the usual suspects will be along shortly to tell that it is a mere 48%.

And that we are all traitors and will end our sorry lives in bitter recrimination. :hihi:

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I hope and believe you're right about Le Pen, but she'll be back.
Just like her dad always used to be, across decades of political life


But check the past 35-odd years' worth of French politics for JMLP's record, and the past 10-odd years for MLP: perma-MEP/MP at the most, and party leader always; high enough to be quasi-untouchable, peddle influence and palp; low enough to never having to actually deliver, nor worry the real movers and shakers (who know the score just fine).


That check will show you that dropping a mongo 'WTF' PR clanger (like this one) is standard LePen operating procedure, when looking in danger of actually winning an election "that matters" and being placed in a position of having to deliver on promises/policies. Cue auto-adjustment of popularity and voting score in the short-term, then carry on testiculating, until next time.


A modus operandi learnt from her dad, religiously followed, and which I fully expect Marion to continue in due course, after she succeeds Marine in the exact same "Et tu Brutus?"-like fashion. Their populo-nationalism is a means to an end, the family business is exploiting the gullible with rethoric for profit and influence.


I have zero doubt she'll be back...at the helm of the FN by June 11, in good time for the Législatives (GE for French MPs). And get re-elected as an MP.

Edited by L00b
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Perhaps what I should have said is MAY be prosecuted as the law already is in place under the 1983 Representation of the People Act under electoral offences.


I'd agree on "should" rather than "may", and not just bacause the latter is becoming an offensive word. ;)


Keep stating it was advisory as if it makes a difference now adds nothing to the debate.


It adds a lot more to the debate than the constant re-stating of "you lost" in various formats.


---------- Post added 25-04-2017 at 09:33 ----------


The people now have a democratic opportunity to express their will at the GE...


They don't really though do they? We have a choice of a raving loonatic or a useless pillock, neither of whom are offering to stay in the EU.


---------- Post added 25-04-2017 at 09:37 ----------


It comes under the category of “undue influence” as it is considered corrupt practice and the offence includes the use of a “fraudulent device or contrivance.” Its then up to the Director of Public Prosecutions to consider.


Let us look at what the Statute actually says:


115 Undue influence.


(1)A person shall be guilty of a corrupt practice if he is guilty of undue influence.


(2)A person shall be guilty of undue influence—


(a)if he, directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf, makes use of or threatens to make use of any force, violence or restraint, or inflicts or threatens to inflict, by himself or by any other person, any temporal or spiritual injury, damage, harm or loss upon or against any person in order to induce or compel that person to vote or refrain from voting, or on account of that person having voted or refrained from voting; or


(b)if, by abduction, duress or any fraudulent device or contrivance, he impedes or prevents [F1, or intends to impede or prevent,] the free exercise of the franchise of an elector or proxy for an elector, or so compels, induces or prevails upon [F2, or intends so to compel, induce or prevail upon,] an elector or proxy for an elector either to vote or to refrain from voting.

Edited by Hairyloon
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