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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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Going back to 'Hate Crime' , it seems 'no evidence is required' !


Punch in 'Britain's Real Hate Crime Scandal- The Spectator' and scroll down to the Police hate crime operational guide.



The rate of prosecution varies across the four countries that make up Britain. In England and Wales, about a quarter of reported hate crimes were prosecuted last year. In Scotland, the rate was about 80 percent, while in Northern Ireland, it was more than half.


Once brought to court, more than four in five hate crime prosecutions result in conviction in Britain.




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I am going to vote Tory to give the PM the mandate she wants...


Just to be clear, the mandate she wants is to sell off the NHS, scrap our human rights and spy on our every move.


---------- Post added 28-04-2017 at 23:58 ----------


The difference here is that people voted as part of a herd...


Did they? I don't think so: Homo sapiens is not a herd animal.

Has anybody considered the possibility that the electorate is more than the sum of its parts?

We all do a huge amount of subconscious thinking that we are almost entirely unaware of, and we will quite likely have been influenced by things (especially each other) without necessarily being aware of it.


Imagine for a moment that the electorate is a coherently thinking entity and consider what is the intelligent result to deliver for the referendum.

Taking into account all of the relevant factors, I think a narrow margin to leave was the only option we had. It is just a shame that our parliament is so lacking in competence.

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In what way is this level of complete and utter ignorance as to the situation best for anyone?




Clearly it isn't helpful and he speaks for a very small minority and certainly not me and if the moron took note of his whereabouts he'd know that Barnsley has a less than 1% muslim population. On a day to day basis he's less likely than some to bump into any ethnic minorities.

It's been mentioned in this thread before. I wonder how many people they speak to before they get the desired reaction?


Is it by accident the report comes from a Northern location with high unemployment?

Edited by silentP
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Clearly it isn't helpful and he speaks for a very small minority and certainly not me and if the moron took note of his whereabouts he'd know that Barnsley has a less than 1% muslim population. On a day to day basis he's less likely than some to bump into any ethnic minorities.

It's been mentioned in this thread before. I wonder how many people they speak to before they get the desired reaction?


Is it by accident the report comes from a Northern location with high unemployment?


Unfortunately, whilst they're a minority there are a significant number of them, enough to have an impact on politics, Ukips mainstay I'd guess and look at the effect they have had on the country.


Your comment with regard to his lack of contact with ethnic minorities is something that I have noted before, and it has always seemed strange to me.


Many people who are the most outspoken about immigrants and ethnic minorities in general appear to have little if any day to day contact with them.


So why the attitude?


One theory is that whilst it's apparently easy for certain people to hate 'Themuns', the different, the strange,when they are looked upon as a group.


It's different once you get to know someone from a particular racial group and come to the startling discovery that they are human just like you.

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Unfortunately, whilst they're a minority there are a significant number of them, enough to have an impact on politics, Ukips mainstay I'd guess and look at the effect they have had on the country.


Your comment with regard to his lack of contact with ethnic minorities is something that I have noted before, and it has always seemed strange to me.


Many people who are the most outspoken about immigrants and ethnic minorities in general appear to have little if any day to day contact with them.


So why the attitude?


One theory is that whilst it's apparently easy for certain people to hate 'Themuns', the different, the strange,when they are looked upon as a group.


It's different once you get to know someone from a particular racial group and come to the startling discovery that they are human just like you.


Agree totally with your last two paragraphs and even at a work level they're comfortable talking and joking with one n' all. Surely if you truly were racist you would shun all contact, perhaps that's something they can only do in the company of others like minded


There's a rise in these feelings in other parts of Europe and in a bizarre way I'm happy that it isn't a UK phenomena, please understand I don't suggest that this is a good thing, I'd just hate for it to be a UK only problem, does that make sense.


There are some ugly minded people in the country, they were here before the referendum, it's sad that their warped outcries have become a focus.

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There's a rise in these feelings in other parts of Europe and in a bizarre way I'm happy that it isn't a UK phenomena, please understand I don't suggest that this is a good thing, I'd just hate for it to be a UK only problem, does that make sense.


Fully understand what you mean, it's the same as knowing that football hooliganism isn't only confined to the UK.


Doesn't mean that you condone it, it just means that the embarrassment is shared and we aren't the only ones with neanderthal thugs among the population.


A small crumb of comfort but only human to take it.

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The EU27 are meeting to unify their position against Britain and it's absolutely clear they do not want Britain to make a success of Brexit.


As I said in an earlier post the biggest threat to the remaining EU27 is Britain leaving the EU and making a success of it.


Within the last 24 hours Germany's finance minister has said:


"The UK will not have advantages over the remaining 27 EU countries after Brexit negotiations conclude. There is no free lunch. Britons must know that."


With sentiments like that I can only imagine the Conservatives picking up even more votes.

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The EU27 are meeting to unify their position against Britain and it's absolutely clear they do not want Britain to make a success of Brexit.


As I said in an earlier post the biggest threat to the remaining EU27 is Britain leaving the EU and making a success of it.


Within the last 24 hours Germany's finance minister has said:


"The UK will not have advantages over the remaining 27 EU countries after Brexit negotiations conclude. There is no free lunch. Britons must know that."


With sentiments like that I can only imagine the Conservatives picking up even more votes.


The thing is that the Conservatives knew that that would be the case when they decided to commit suicide for the nation. They can't suddenly claim that they are being hard done to.

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The thing is that the Conservatives knew that that would be the case when they decided to commit suicide for the nation. They can't suddenly claim that they are being hard done to.


A large majority of the UK do not want 'free movement' of people. You cant have access to the EU without it. So we get the best deal that we can and then move on.

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The EU27 are meeting to unify their position against Britain and it's absolutely clear they do not want Britain to make a success of Brexit.


As I said in an earlier post the biggest threat to the remaining EU27 is Britain leaving the EU and making a success of it.


Within the last 24 hours Germany's finance minister has said:


"The UK will not have advantages over the remaining 27 EU countries after Brexit negotiations conclude. There is no free lunch. Britons must know that."


With sentiments like that I can only imagine the Conservatives picking up even more votes.


The UK was in a club, it was a full member and sat on the committee, it proposed rules and regulations and voted on all relevant legislation.


The UK decided to leave the club, resign from the committee and thereby forfeit all rights which it had as a full member.


That was the free and unenforced choice of the UK.


Please explain precisely why the UK should now expect to receive Advantages over the remaining 27 EU countries after Brexit negotiations conclude .


A government advisor was photographed in Westminster carrying a hand written note with a reference to 'Having your cake and eating it ' with regard to the governments Brexit negotiating strategy.


Germany's Finance Minister is simply stating the bleeding obvious and attempting to remove the apparent delusion that some Brexiteers are clinging to that we will get everything we ask for.


In what way is that 'Sentiments like that '?


It's commonsense to those who possess a modicum of it.

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