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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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I agree there may be some detriment but how much is just a guess. The problem is the EU trade block as a whole may be the wealthiest but when you break it down into individual countries its a totally different picture.


These countries sell more to us than we do to them: Germany around £26 billion, the next nearest are Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and France with between £5-10 billion. 17 countries are between £0-4 billion and the rest buy more from us than we buy from them. It shows that there is a lot of variation in trade with individual countries.




It was anti UK sentiment as they are the ones who will lose out most from Brexit.


Just posted this but to save you the trouble.




Scroll down to the list of first,second,third trading partners.


Also it isn't quite as straight forward as that. The question is what exactly are the products and services that are being sold and is there an alternative market.


Germany export high quality engineering products and motor vehicles, people will tend to continue to buy them anyway.


What are we supplying that is unique to us and other countries have to have?


I'm sure that there are a few things, but I think the biggest contributor to the UKs GDP is the City of London financial sector which contributes 22% at present.


By leaving the EU we have made the City vulnerable to approaches from other financial centres, some have already moved. If the EU take away passporting rights which is possible then there'll be an exodus.


" It was anti UK sentiment as they are the ones who will lose out most from Brexit ".


Why is that any concern of the German finance minister? We chose to leave of our own free will and he was only pointing out the facts, nothing anti about it.


Perhaps we should have considered being losers in the decision before we made it?

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All the links you post go via Google. Are you getting paid for helping Google track people?


Could you post links to the destination sites so those of us who try to avoid Google tracking everything we do online can use them.

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If a 23 year old Bulgarian makes their way to Britain in search for work should they be officially classed as unemployed?


We are forced to use the EU's Eurostat methodology when calculating economic activity which is great if you're an economist making intra-EU comparisons but terrible if you're a nationalist trying to put your fellow countrymen first.


Once we leave the EU we can re-visit our methodologies and craft a new fairer British standard which is compliant with international standards under ILO methodology rules.


Straw man. The levels of unemployment amongst EU immigrants are very low.


Stop lying and stop trying to invent problems.


---------- Post added 29-04-2017 at 15:19 ----------


The 350,000 of the official figures which are probably manipulated anyway andf the 150,000 or more that we dont know about.


Anyway, getting bogged down by figures.


Brexit is happening so you can either contribute or moan about it.


Get behind team UK :)


No Im not getting bogged down by your lies.


I am getting behind the UK. That's the reason I don't want Brexit.

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That list is dated 2014, the data I provided was from 2016.


I think the biggest contributor to the UKs GDP is the City of London financial sector which contributes 22% at present.


But that is just GDP and not the whole of UK trade in goods and services.


By leaving the EU we have made the City vulnerable to approaches from other financial centres, some have already moved.


Which ones have already moved, please dont say Lloyds..;)

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Does Merkel seem bothered?


She will be if the UK leaves without a deal= http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/795758/Brexit-UK-EU-hard-no-deal-cost-Germany-billions


Maybe we should remind rptheythey of the WW2 debt that we cancelled= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-european-union-bill-50-billion-sir-bill-cash-european-scrunity-committee-german-ww2-debt-a7642186.html


**** the EU!

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<...> What a lot of people seem to be missing here is that 44% of our exports go to the EU and less than 10% of EU exports come to us. <...>
You're peeing into a violin to try and get a tune with that one here, Carlinate: I've lost track of how often I've explained the EU/UK balance of trading power inherent to those figures alone, to ideologists on here.

Oh look, someone with a title doesn't mind admitting in public that they're completely unaware of statute-based claim limitations (you can't hope to bring a claim for monies close to 70 years after you cancelled the debt :roll:).


Won't be the last time a Eurosceptic shyster engages mouth before brain, and why am I not surprised to see you gobbling it up wholesale again? :hihi:


As I1L2T3 posts time and again, people will eventually realise what they voted for in June 2016, and again (should they again return a Tory majority this coming June). That ain't going to make for happy times.

Edited by L00b
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Keep falling for Right Wing Propaganda,May will love it.:hihi:

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Straw man. The levels of unemployment amongst EU immigrants are very low.


Stop lying and stop trying to invent problems.


We are likely to see an ideological shift in what employment and unemployment means post-Brexit. That's the point I was making.


There will be little public sympathy for companies that go bust when it transpires that 90% of their workforce are EU migrants on little more than minimum wage.


Now is a good time to start hiring British nationals as Pret A Manger have [decided to do].

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All the links you post go via Google. Are you getting paid for helping Google track people?


Could you post links to the destination sites so those of us who try to avoid Google tracking everything we do online can use them.


Not unless my eight year old grandson has the time to show me how. I have a limited interest in the online world and no inclination to increase it. :)


Why are you worried about being tracked by Google?


That is suspicious, and if I were with MI5 I would look into it. What do you have to hide?

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