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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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Is Europe lurching to the right?= http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36150807


European far right= https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/world/europe/europe-far-right-political-parties-listy.html


Your love for all things Europe blinds you to its faults, take the love goggles off and maybe you will see it.

The response by some EU country's to the refugee crisis said it all, Slovakia and Poland didn't want any yet they have the audacity to demand rights for their citizens in the UK after brexit and yet Slovakia and Poland would only accept Christian refugees= https://www.ft.com/content/6edfdd30-472a-11e5-b3b2-1672f710807b



Proof enough for you or shall Dig out more examples?

Like I said, **** the EU!


Honest and unloaded question, once we're out of the eu and those in Thurrock and Yarmouth etc don't find the country turns into to the utopia they thought it would, who do you think they'll point fingers at?

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If I'm not mistaken you are really taking about a purge of not only EU immigrants but also of companies that dared to employ them in numbers.


I never used the word purge and there is a difference between actively recruiting your own nationals vs 'purging' EU citizens. Right-wing parties do not own the rights to nationalism. Countries all over the world ensure their citizens get 'first look' access to the labour market before anyone else.


Last year a [YouGov poll] found that a majority of respondents were in favour of companies being required to publish the number of foreign workers on their payrolls.


In Brazil companies must ensure that a minimum of 2/3 of their workforce are Brazilian nationals. Right across the Middle East you have workforce nationalization schemes in operation, and in countries like Australia and New Zealand they are clamping down on both skilled and un-skilled migrant visa programmes.


Ultimately this isn't really about the European Union alone, it's much bigger than just the EU. This is about the rise of nationalism on a global scale. That is why message of 'taking back control' worked so well. It was an [

] which became the Union Jack option that stuck two fingers up to globalization. Edited by Puggie
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Actually it comes from my job working with companies that are planning to relocate parts of their operations into the EU. I deal with this every day.


Unless we avoid a hard Brexit there will be substantial lob losses. Estimates for the City alone approach 250,000


Out of interest, what time period is this job loss estimation over. Are we talking immediately or what exactly?

I have no argument with your quoted figure, I also checked and found similar estimates but there are no indications as to how soon this would/might happen.

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