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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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Have my 2 posts about the issue conveyed any different?


When have I ever played the man (-first, if I have)?

You asked me directly, I replied equally directly, that's the end of it so far as I'm concerned.

Do you want to hazard a guess about who will be deciding the "great knuckle draggin uneducated unwashed" 's future?




So we're in agreement I'm me not he, good....


Now about this brexit thing....:D

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Well I'm not sure whether to be hurt or flattered. I imagine that the rainbow unicorn is also of the same opinion :hihi:


You're all wrong, I am who I am, it's sheer coincedence that my arrival corresponded with his departure.

Of course there's no way I can prove this that I can think of!


Guys, don't screw this up for me, I like this forum (looks for on his knees emoji) :)


I was only joking, but you should be hurt I think. ;) However, if you do want to send me that fiver, that'd be great :D


---------- Post added 03-05-2017 at 12:30 ----------



Even for me that's a bit of a stretch...one poll shows we were wrong to leave the EU ahead does not show that much is changing...one swallow does not a summer make!

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Yes. It will be an elected British government. :thumbsup:


Not an unelected bunch of eurocrate socialists sat on thrones in the EU.


Or the European Clown Courts of Justice.

A particularly well thought-out and argued reply here, you nearly had me convinced :hihi:

So we're in agreement I'm me not he, good....


Now about this brexit thing....:D

Ah no, you don't get to put words in my mouth, I'm afraid.


But yes, by all means, about this Brexit thing...Brexit: UK and EU at odds over size of 'divorce bill'

The UK will not pay a €100bn (£85bn) "divorce bill" to leave the EU, Brexit Secretary David Davis has insisted.


He told ITV's Good Morning Britain the UK would pay what was legally due, "not just what the EU wants"

So, May and Davis have caved in and have agreed to pay what is legally due.


See, these negotiations aren't proving tough at all :D

Edited by L00b
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Awwww it's always the nasty remainers fault isn't it.....




There's no evidence that ub flounced. It was going like the Mallard (a great old Pre-EU British steam train) right until the very end.


Just mysteriously went. Either it realised it was wrong, or just decided to reinvent using a more reasonable less deranged persona.

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There's no evidence that ub flounced. It was going like the Mallard (a great old Pre-EU British steam train) right until the very end.


Just mysteriously went. Either it realised it was wrong, or just decided to reinvent using a more reasonable less deranged persona.


He might be on holiday and theres no wifi or hes on holiday and doesnt want to to talk to us lot. Or his boss has gone through his browser history and has twigged why he hasnt cracked cold fusion yet (or whatever he does).

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You always get a better 'view' when you study long-term trends.


There's absolutely no question that as a country our grievances with the European project have been steadily increasing over time.

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There's no evidence that ub flounced. It was going like the Mallard (a great old Pre-EU British steam train) right until the very end.


Just mysteriously went. Either it realised it was wrong, or just decided to reinvent using a more reasonable less deranged persona.


Our styles are so unlike, not even Bowie could've pulled this reinvention off...

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Awwww it's always the nasty remainers fault isn't it.....




You are one of the nasty remainers I'm on about, unbeliever came on here debating with the remainers and all that I saw happening was you and the others in your clique being nasty and bitter towards him.

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Thus spake the leavers clique, being nasty and bitter toward Obelix.


---------- Post added 03-05-2017 at 12:53 ----------


I think that remainers believe that they are of higher intellect so it must really grate them that their futures have been decided by the great knuckle draggin uneducated unwashed. :)


It's probably not really the leave voters faults that they're so gullible and short sighted. It's difficult not to hold it against them though... :thumbsup:

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