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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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EDIT - addendum:


As predicted, the evil EU is trying to undermine poor Britain:

Still playing to the Daily Heil and Express crowd, then, in an effort to secure more votes from them.


I dont think she needs to worry much as most I have spoken to have already made up their minds.


The potential for this to backfire (if her position is perceived as genuine in Brussels, or if she fails to deliver a 'good' Brexit for the masses quick) is stating to take epic proportions.


I doubt this will backfire as most wanting Brexit will probably agree with her. No one asker her to deliver a "good" Brexit for the masses so the assumption is false. The only people who now want a good Brexit are the remainers as they now have to get used to the fact that we will be leaving but still need to moan about something.

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the remainers as they now have to get used to the fact that we will be leaving but still need to moan about something.


I think next week's Conservative manifesto will offer them a ladder.

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I dont think she needs to worry much as most I have spoken to have already made up their minds.




I doubt this will backfire as most wanting Brexit will probably agree with her. No one asker her to deliver a "good" Brexit for the masses so the assumption is false. The only people who now want a good Brexit are the remainers as they now have to get used to the fact that we will be leaving but still need to moan about something.


There you go then,Brexit could wreck the UK and nobody would care a jot except for Remainers.:hihi:

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The EU is playing with fire by seeking to lure NI away from the UK. It could reignite the civil war again. It is reckless and irresponsible for the EU to do this. Perhaps stirring up trouble within the UK is another aspect of the EU's punishment strategy.


Actually the EU hasn't said anything much more than David Davis said with regard to the situation.




The thing is that I doubt very much if many, if any, English and Welsh Brexiteers gave a seconds thought to the Irish situation when they voted Leave.


Return to a hard border, return to violence.


Personally I want a reunited Ireland, and the Good Friday Agreement guarantees it in the fullness of time.


The demographics mean that in the fullness of time those Northern Irish that consider themselves Irish ( as opposed to the unionists who delusionally believe themselves to be British ) will be the majority.


When that happens and a border poll is called then they will decide on economic grounds as much as any other, which is the way it should be.


Eventually, even if it takes several border polls, Ireland will be reunited.


Always thought that it would take thirty years or so and I wouldn't live to see it happen.


Brexit has meant that all bets are off and it could happen in a few years, if that happens then there will be violence, and just like the last time it will start with the 'Loyalist/Unionists'.


As much as I'd like to see a United Ireland I don't want people to suffer because of it.


Another possible consequence of Brexit.

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Sainsbury's full-year profits before tax have fallen to £503m, down 8.2% from £548m, hit by price cuts and tough competition on the High Street.


Due to Brexit?




Marks n Sparks suffered the same, way back in the 90s.

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Actually the EU hasn't said anything much more than David Davis said with regard to the situation.




The thing is that I doubt very much if many, if any, English and Welsh Brexiteers gave a seconds thought to the Irish situation when they voted Leave.


Return to a hard border, return to violence.


Personally I want a reunited Ireland, and the Good Friday Agreement guarantees it in the fullness of time.


The demographics mean that in the fullness of time those Northern Irish that consider themselves Irish ( as opposed to the unionists who delusionally believe themselves to be British ) will be the majority.


When that happens and a border poll is called then they will decide on economic grounds as much as any other, which is the way it should be.


Eventually, even if it takes several border polls, Ireland will be reunited.


Always thought that it would take thirty years or so and I wouldn't live to see it happen.


Brexit has meant that all bets are off and it could happen in a few years, if that happens then there will be violence, and just like the last time it will start with the 'Loyalist/Unionists'.


As much as I'd like to see a United Ireland I don't want people to suffer because of it.


Another possible consequence of Brexit.


I take issue with your statement that unionists are delusional. It's very dangerous to assume that you are a better judge of identity than the people themselves. I have no problem with a united ireland based on consent. Attempting to force it will be counter productive.





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I dont think she needs to worry much as most I have spoken to have already made up their minds.
You'll have to tell me how that relates to my post, I can't see anything in it suggesting that she should worry about anything :huh:

I doubt this will backfire as most wanting Brexit will probably agree with her. No one asker her to deliver a "good" Brexit for the masses so the assumption is false. The only people who now want a good Brexit are the remainers as they now have to get used to the fact that we will be leaving but still need to moan about something.
Nice to see your caring side for your fellow Brexit voter who is in less than comfortable socio-economic circumstances and voted for 'change for the better', here.


Why aren't I surprised by it? :rolleyes:

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You'll have to tell me how that relates to my post, I can't see anything in it suggesting that she should worry about anything :huh:


You wrote "Still playing to the Daily Heil and Express crowd, then, in an effort to secure more votes from them." You implied the above and I said she didn't have to worry.


Nice to see your caring side for your fellow Brexit voter who is in less than comfortable socio-economic circumstances and voted for 'change for the better', here.


Which Brexit voter? You'll have to tell me how that relates to my post, I can't see anything in it suggesting that I dont have a caring side. :huh:


But, in case you have forgotten the vote was to either stay or leave so there was no "lets deliver a good Brexit for the masses" included.


Why aren't I surprised by it? :rolleyes:


Because you are on Sheffield Forum maybe.. :rolleyes:

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You wrote "Still playing to the Daily Heil and Express crowd, then, in an effort to secure more votes from them." You implied the above and I said she didn't have to worry. [/Quote]Not really: that is your inference, not mine.


I can't help it if I'm not posting the arguments and meaning which you'd like me to, nor if you're reading them in my posts when they aren't there at all, but it's a bit much for you to then pin your defective reading and understanding on me.

Which Brexit voter?
The 52 percenter in Sunderland, Wales, Newcastle, Barnsley <...>

You'll have to tell me how that relates to my post, I can't see anything in it suggesting that I dont have a caring side. :huh:
Is the implementation of Brexit, in whichever form, not going to effect (positively and/or negatively) the UK masses, Leavers, Remainers and non-voters alike, then?


It doesn't look from your post and your reprising my expressions, that you had any trouble understanding that bit of my earlier post at all.


Makes you look a bit crass that one, tbh. Your prose, your choice :|

But, in case you have forgotten the vote was to either stay or leave so there was no "lets deliver a good Brexit for the masses" included.
Remember that one at the urn on 08 June, readers. The above is from a Brexiter.
Edited by L00b
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