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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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I found this to be an interesting article about shirebrook - but it skipped one key question. Why, in an area of persistent high unemployment, do sports direct bring in thousands of EU migrants.




Because the imported workers can be controlled and exploited more easily, and are nethertheless content with the pay they get.


Yes local workers could perhaps get an extra £20-30 a week compared to benefits but they aren't going to get out of bed to be treated like crap.


The interesting thing is the same people complain the EU workers are taking the jobs, but these are jobs some local workers would avoid.


It doesn't take much to see what the real problem is. Not the EU or the EU workers, but the types of work on offer.


Sadly, and this is not slagging off May because I'm actually starting to wonder if she is actually (despite being misguided) pretty sincere, but the Tory right want to accelerate the processes that lead to poor quality employment. They are very pro-globalisation and see Brexit as a vehicle for furthering that.


The people of Shirebrook could be in for some nasty surprises.

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They did quote this: "They needed cheap labour and they brought it in from Eastern Europe." Sports Direct employ over 3,000 people there and the warehouse was called a Gulag by many working there for its bad conditions, and it prompted Parliament to act. Most of these people come from agencies that have zero hour contracts, which I doubt many natives would put up with.


Then there is this about housing and tape on windows: "Where once the property would have been occupied by a single family, the tape was a boundary marker separating each room into two, or even three, spaces and the house might have as many as 10 or a dozen single men living in them."


So its also good business for the private landlords.


While in Poland itself, many of the villages and towns that have suffered from this migration to the UK are also now ghost towns and are suffering from the lack of younger people.


So there aren't 3000 unemployed people a bus ride away from shirebrook? If I wanted cheap labour, and cheap land that's a good area to pick - why else would Ashley choose there? I don't know the percentage of people on ZHC at that warehouse but it's sustaining a reasonable number of eu nationals.


Regarding the housing thing, bolsover council need their arse kicking as there are all sorts of violations being broken according to an article I read a while back.


---------- Post added 20-05-2017 at 15:31 ----------


Because the imported workers can be controlled and exploited more easily, and are nethertheless content with the pay they get.


Yes local workers could perhaps get an extra £20-30 a week compared to benefits but they aren't going to get out of bed to be treated like crap.


The interesting thing is the same people complain the EU workers are taking the jobs, but these are jobs some local workers would avoid.


It doesn't take much to see what the real problem is. Not the EU or the EU workers, but the types of work on offer.


Sadly, and this is not slagging off May because I'm actually starting to wonder if she is actually (despite being misguided) pretty sincere, but the Tory right want to accelerate the processes that lead to poor quality employment. They are very pro-globalisation and see Brexit as a vehicle for furthering that.


The people of Shirebrook could be in for some nasty surprises.


Were local people offered the jobs? Did they take them and then leave? There's a lot of ifs, whys and maybes and that select committee didn't ask the question and MA didn't volunteer an answer either.

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So there aren't 3000 unemployed people a bus ride away from shirebrook? If I wanted cheap labour, and cheap land that's a good area to pick - why else would Ashley choose there? I don't know the percentage of people on ZHC at that warehouse but it's sustaining a reasonable number of eu nationals.


Regarding the housing thing, bolsover council need their arse kicking as there are all sorts of violations being broken according to an article I read a while back.


---------- Post added 20-05-2017 at 15:31 ----------



Were local people offered the jobs? Did they take them and then leave? There's a lot of ifs, whys and maybes and that select committee didn't ask the question and MA didn't volunteer an answer either.


Plenty of jobs here with them for locals and anyone who wants them.



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So there aren't 3000 unemployed people a bus ride away from shirebrook?


Its possible that there are that many but cant get any figures to confirm it. I dont think it is yet compulsory for those on JSA to accept zero hours contracts though. There are also many unemployed who could not physically do this work so its not always that straightforward.


If I wanted cheap labour, and cheap land that's a good area to pick - why else would Ashley choose there?


As you have said, initially mainly for the cheap land, and not forgetting the near and easy access to the M1 motorway.


I don't know the percentage of people on ZHC at that warehouse but it's sustaining a reasonable number of eu nationals.


But EU nationals are not used to getting good working conditions and will put up with the following in order to keep the job.. This is what parliament reviewed: "Outstanding areas of concern were mentioned, including zero-hour contracts, lower than minimum-wage payments, workers' body searches, intrusive control of workers' personal habits, lateness penalties and sexual harassment."


---------- Post added 20-05-2017 at 16:24 ----------


Plenty of jobs here with them for locals and anyone who wants them.




Providing they have the necessary qualifications that is. No mention of working as a warehouse operative though.

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Its possible that there are that many but cant get any figures to confirm it. I dont think it is yet compulsory for those on JSA to accept zero hours contracts though. There are also many unemployed who could not physically do this work so its not always that straightforward.




As you have said, initially mainly for the cheap land, and not forgetting the near and easy access to the M1 motorway.




But EU nationals are not used to getting good working conditions and will put up with the following in order to keep the job.. This is what parliament reviewed: "Outstanding areas of concern were mentioned, including zero-hour contracts, lower than minimum-wage payments, workers' body searches, intrusive control of workers' personal habits, lateness penalties and sexual harassment."


---------- Post added 20-05-2017 at 16:24 ----------



Providing they have the necessary qualifications that is. No mention of working as a warehouse operative though.


How come Farage and UKIP were saying that millions of EU workers were after your job then,if in fact they were after jobs that no Brit would put up with,or wanted?

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Economic migrants from Eastern Europe are much easier to exploit.


Companies in the UK can legally create job vacancies with awful working conditions and dismal pay because there is no shortage of desperately poor migrants that will happily sign up.

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Corbyn is one of life's born negotiators; respectful, conciliatory but no push over. He's had lots of practise. I think he will make an excellent fist of handling the Brexit negotiations given the chance.


:hihi: Amazing.

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Economic migrants from Eastern Europe are much easier to exploit.


Companies in the UK can legally create job vacancies with awful working conditions and dismal pay because there is no shortage of desperately poor migrants that will happily sign up.


Why don't the UK government introduce laws to put a stop to it then,so that UK workers will want the jobs,instead of blaming the EU and immigration?

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