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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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When David Cameron made a speech on the EU back in 2013 he called for a 'loosly connected' union with 'flexibility'. What do you think he was alluding to?


The European Union is becoming a German proxy and many on the continent are uneasy with the idea of being held hostage by Berlin. When the results of the in/out referendum were announced last year it was Merkel who summoned Tusk to her residence, not the other way round. Again last month when the PM hosted a pre-talk dinner it wasn't mere coincidence that Junker was reporting back to Merkel.


Who do you think Theresa May was referring to when she talked about "threats by European politicians"? The Slovakian PM? The Italians? The Spanish? The French?




Germany doesn't want to be the public face of the European Union for obvious reasons. It takes advantage of other large EU members to dilute it's influence where necessary. Once the UK steps out of the union this will place tremendous pressure on Germany to re-balance its priorities.


So the solution to concern about German dominance in the EU is to Brexit and make Germany more dominant in the EU?


You're not making much sense today.

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'The EU is becoming a German proxy'

'Germany doesn't want to be the public face of the EU'


both of them directly contradicting the other.:hihi:


That isn't a contradiction it's game play. Through partnership you dilute yourself. A "German-led" priority becomes a "European-led" priority by taking others with you. Germany knows if it doesn't play its cards right it could trigger a backlash with other EU members wanting to break free.


---------- Post added 21-05-2017 at 11:48 ----------


So the solution to concern about German dominance in the EU is to Brexit and make Germany more dominant in the EU?


Germany might increase its dominance, but there are risks associated with doing so. Germany finds herself in a in a difficult situation post-Brexit. It needs to strike the right balance between national interests vs the interests of the union.

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That isn't a contradiction it's game play. Through partnership you dilute yourself. A "German-led" priority becomes a "European-led" priority by taking others with you. Germany knows if it doesn't play its cards right it could trigger a backlash with other EU members wanting to break free.


If 'Germany knows.............',how can the EU be becoming a German proxy,with others becoming uneasy?

See,you just contradicted yourself again by fearmongering in previous posts about 5 eyes and spying on Merkel,a dominant force in Europe,and now you're saying that Germany knows it can't be any of that because of the backlash from others,you need to make your mind up which one of the various theories you are presenting that you believe in,because all you do is jump around quoting soundbites which sound as though they are lifted from kids in a student union debating society.


---------- Post added 21-05-2017 at 11:00 ----------


It's interesting because it's not mainstream. Brexit is a dream come true for many strategists and visionaries within the echelons of power. Stepping out of the union provides an opportunity for Britain to re-align herself on the global stage and find new purpose.


I was referring to the MoD's [Global Strategic Trends out to 2045] document which was published in 2014. On page 119 they caution the rise of a European power. If you read between the lines you know they're referring to Germany.


There have been grumblings and unease for years about Germany's influence within the Eueorpean Union. It's not just Britain that is uncomfortable with the current hierarchy. Our friends across the pond are too. It surprised nobody when Edward Snowden released details of "five eyes" that showed the English speaking world were spying on Merkel.


Who are the strategists and visionaries within the echelons of power that Brexit is a dream come true for?

Let's have some names and what they are planning for the future of the UK,out of the EU.

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If 'Germany knows.............',how can the EU be becoming a German proxy,with others becoming uneasy?

See,you just contradicted yourself again by fearmongering in previous posts about 5 eyes and spying on Merkel,a dominant force in Europe,and now you're saying that Germany knows it can't be any of that because of the backlash from others,you need to make your mind up which one of the various theories you are presenting that you believe in,because all you do is jump around quoting soundbites which sound as though they are lifted from kids in a student union debating society.


---------- Post added 21-05-2017 at 11:00 ----------



Who are the strategists and visionaries within the echelons of power that Brexit is a dream come true for?

Let's have some names and what they are planning for the future of the UK,out of the EU.


President Putin

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Puggie, the only reason you think the EU is german dominated is because you haven't got a clue how it works and are led by the blind in the shape of really rather pathetic British journalists with an agenda.

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Puggie, the only reason you think the EU is german dominated is because you haven't got a clue how it works and are led by the blind in the shape of really rather pathetic British journalists with an agenda.


We know that's not true as the British media aren't discussing the kind of matters I've drawn your attention to. They're too busy talking about net immigration figures and hard vs flaccid Brexit.

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We know that's not true as the British media aren't discussing the kind of matters I've drawn your attention to. They're too busy talking about net immigration figures and hard vs flaccid Brexit.


Waiting for names please.

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Waiting for names please.


I'm not sure what names you're talking about. We are not privvy to the discussions which take place within the war rooms of government or the House of Windsor.


We know that Britain is leaving the EU, it's [re-establishing old bases], and has grand plans on [reinvigorating the Commonwealth].


All the indications suggest Britain has begun its journey of building alliances that could potentially dwarf the EU.

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I'm not sure what names you're talking about. We are not privvy to the discussions which take place within the war rooms of government or the House of Windsor.


We know that Britain is leaving the EU, it's [re-establishing old bases], and has grand plans on [reinvigorating the Commonwealth].


All the indications suggest Britain has begun its journey of building alliances that could potentially dwarf the EU.


Who are the strategists and visionaries within the echelons of power that Brexit is a dream come true for?

You talked about them,so tell us who they are.If you are not privy to discussions in war rooms of government or House of Windsor,why are you saying it's dream come true for people who you don't know,or what they are saying?

How are military bases in the Middle East going to help the 'Left Behind people' who voted for Brexit improve their lives?



Re,Reinvigorating the Commonwealth,are you serious?.........Millions have voted for Brexit in the hope that it will make their lives better,but if it goes wrong,May has already admitted it will be a disaster for the UK working man,and you are posting something which describes it as a 'great fun opportunity' for Farage and Banks?




Mr Lake said the plans had been hastened by the "opportunity of a new president, and the slightly dangerous but great fun opportunity that the 'Bad Boys of Brexit' offered".


In December, Mr Lake wrote a letter to Mr Trump, which was hand carried by Andrew Wigmore, a close aide to Nigel Farage, and then delivered by the former UKIP leader.


Mr Wigmore joined Mr Farage and Arron Banks, the millionaire businessman in visiting Mr Trump after the US election, and continues to have close ties with the administration.

Edited by chalga
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