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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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Do you think the public would ever get a vote on closing down tax havens?

Yes- taxpayers would vote to do that, so why not ask us!


---------- Post added 12-06-2017 at 17:37 ----------


The leave side said that we could stay in the single market.

But it's not up to either side of the UK's two factions, is it.

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Consequences. So, what did the Brexit vote achieve so far?


A second government crisis within a year, still no clear route towards Brexit or even an inkling of what Brexit means for the country. A shortage of workers in key-vacancies, from nurses to researchers to engineers. A pound that has slid significantly and is about to drop below the 1-1 rate against the Euro provided David Davis gets his way. Even more division in NI and Scotland and a Union at significant risk.


Fortunately though, finally, we have young people voting - politics are important again and it took May's backfiring decision to trigger it.

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European nurses registering with the Nursery & Midwifery Council down by 96% since last year (data is reported to be from a FoI by the Health Foundation).



Oh my God a disparity!


Clearly the only logical conclusion to be made here is that Brexit has triggered a reduction of applications from EU nurses... right?


Correlation does not imply causation.


Look a little deeper and you'll normally find the [third variable].

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Oh my God a disparity!


Clearly the only logical conclusion to be made here is that Brexit has triggered a reduction of applications from EU nurses... right?


Correlation does not imply causation.


Look a little deeper and you'll normally find the [third variable].

I'm plenty familiar with the English language test.


Obviously the 50-odd thousands EU nationals already working in the NHS don't speak the lingo too well, and neither do the prospect 8,000-odd EU nurses which the NHS could have had by now. I'm sure their English language aptitudes never entered their heads before the government brought that test in :hihi:


Hey-ho, no worries: the replacement Pakistani and Nigerian nurses will walk it, what with being Commonwealth types :)

Edited by L00b
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What we have here is a self inflicted disaster, brought about by political weakness, arrogance and incompetence.


Ironically the Tory party, the party of the Union and Empire are mainly responsible for the situation.


Cameron, frightened of possible losses to Ukip offers a referendum on the EU, the perceived bogyman.


The benefits of membership are substantial but complex, and assorted UK governments have been using the EU as a convenient scapegoat for years in order to deflect criticism from their parties.


So instead of politicians who we pay to research and reach reasoned logical conclusions on complex matters we hand over the decision to uninformed emotionally driven people.


During the run up to the referendum I heard people say that they were voting leave because of immigration, despite the fact that over 50% of immigration comes from outside the EU and is therefore the responsibility of the British government and nothing to do with the EU.


I heard a Welsh steelworker say that he voted leave because of the influx of cheap Chinese steel which he claimed had ruined the British steel industry.


He was obviously unaware that the EU had proposed tariffs on Chinese steel to protect the European steel industries and that had been vetoed by the British government.


Leavers stated that they wanted to " Take back control ".


Whilst a member state of the EEC/EU Britain has waged war with Argentina, Iraq,Afghanistan, bombed Libya, held a parliamentary debate as to whether or not to go to war with Syria and are partners in a nuclear defence system with a non European nation. Additionally we declined to join the Euro and sign up to Schengen and we retain our relationship with the Commonwealth.


Could someone explain precisely what exact loss of control is worrying them to the extent that they feel it necessary to leave the most successful trade bloc in the world?


It is blindingly obvious that we have placed ourselves in an invidious position of our own choosing and currently have no capable statesmen/women able to lead us out of this morass.


The situation looks bleak and we have no one other than ourselves to blame.


We have chosen to place ourselves in opposition and competition with the other 27 members of the EU, it is no use whining that they are ' punishing ' us, this is business and we have voluntarily decided to place ourselves at a disadvantage.


You reap what you sow, and life isn't fair.

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I'm plenty familiar with the English language test.


Obviously the 50-odd thousands EU nationals already working in the NHS don't speak the lingo too well, and neither do the prospect 8,000-odd EU nurses which the NHS could have had by now. I'm sure their English language aptitudes never entered their heads before the government brought that test in :hihi:


Hey-ho, no worries: the replacement Pakistani and Nigerian nurses will walk it, what with being Commonwealth types :)


You missed out the Indian and Philippino nurses.......

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What we have here is a self inflicted disaster, brought about by political weakness, arrogance and incompetence.


Ironically the Tory party, the party of the Union and Empire are mainly responsible for the situation.


Cameron, frightened of possible losses to Ukip offers a referendum on the EU, the perceived bogyman.


The benefits of membership are substantial but complex, and assorted UK governments have been using the EU as a convenient scapegoat for years in order to deflect criticism from their parties.


So instead of politicians who we pay to research and reach reasoned logical conclusions on complex matters we hand over the decision to uninformed emotionally driven people.


During the run up to the referendum I heard people say that they were voting leave because of immigration, despite the fact that over 50% of immigration comes from outside the EU and is therefore the responsibility of the British government and nothing to do with the EU.


I heard a Welsh steelworker say that he voted leave because of the influx of cheap Chinese steel which he claimed had ruined the British steel industry.


He was obviously unaware that the EU had proposed tariffs on Chinese steel to protect the European steel industries and that had been vetoed by the British government.


Leavers stated that they wanted to " Take back control ".


Whilst a member state of the EEC/EU Britain has waged war with Argentina, Iraq,Afghanistan, bombed Libya, held a parliamentary debate as to whether or not to go to war with Syria and are partners in a nuclear defence system with a non European nation. Additionally we declined to join the Euro and sign up to Schengen and we retain our relationship with the Commonwealth.


Could someone explain precisely what exact loss of control is worrying them to the extent that they feel it necessary to leave the most successful trade bloc in the world?


It is blindingly obvious that we have placed ourselves in an invidious position of our own choosing and currently have no capable statesmen/women able to lead us out of this morass.


The situation looks bleak and we have no one other than ourselves to blame.


We have chosen to place ourselves in opposition and competition with the other 27 members of the EU, it is no use whining that they are ' punishing ' us, this is business and we have voluntarily decided to place ourselves at a disadvantage.


You reap what you sow, and life isn't fair.


And to top it off, we've now, after a needless election, got a dogs breakfast of a government with the rudder being glued together by some very dodgy MPs from Northern Ireland which could in turn make Northern Ireland unstable again. If I had written how the last 12 months have panned out as a book as little as 18 months ago I'd have been laughed at for producing something so far fetched. And it's of our own making, completely. Not content in shooting ourselves in the foot, we've shot the other one. There's still a chance we could shoot ourselves again within 6 months. The country is a laughing stock.


I hope Theresa puts on her best underwear when Donald comes a-callin' because she's going to have to put out.

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Tory admits that Brexit and austerity cost them:




Anger over Brexit and austerity caused the Tories to lose seats, Theresa May's new chief of staff has told the BBC.

Gavin Barwell, who lost his Croydon Central seat but has since taken a key role in Downing Street, said Labour had "tapped into" concerns about the impact of years of public sector pay freezes.

Speaking before his latest appointment he told Panorama his party must do more to listen to Remain voters' concerns.

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