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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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Well, as we've been instructed by those who must be obeyed to get back on topic the thread title is the Consequences of Brexit ( 3 ).


So, how about the potential breakup of the UK, a return to violence in Northern Ireland and a potentially disastrous negotiation of Brexit terms leading to economic chaos and a return to the situation we were in before we joined the EEC?


You remember? The sick man of Europe and the three day week?


Obviously the improvement in our economic circumstances over the last 44 years was entirely down to our own brilliance, and nothing to do with the fact that we were part of the most successful trade bloc in the world.


The opportunities that we will now have have for increased trade after being released from the the restrictions imposed by EU membership will be immense.


The fact that Germany,France,Italy and the Netherlands all currently are all more successful exporters than us whilst being EU members is inconsequential.


The fact that we are not the main trading partner of any of the other EU members and only the second trading partners of three of them doesn't matter.


The fact that we import over 40% of our food and 40% of our fuel and are now having to buy it with a devalued pound making it dearer whilst wages are static is a mere bagatelle.


We may be in debt to the tune of £1.56 Trillion, the annual cost of servicing that debt being £43 Billion and we may also have a poor productivity record in comparison to other EU nations.


But not to worry! We have a top notch world class team of negotiators about to go into bat for us next Monday.


These people don't miss a trick, they knew that it was the right thing to do to call an election when you were 20 points ahead in the polls.


They knew that including fox hunting and dementia tax in the manifesto was a vote winner. We are talking shrewd astute people here.


What could possibly go wrong?


Our future is in their hands and I'm confident that they will deliver.


I'm sure we will get what we deserve.


Happy days!

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Guest sibon
The latest measure of inflation is significantly up isn't it. Thanks brexit.


From 0.3% to 2.9% in less than a year.


Good job the Conservatives are the party of sound economics.

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I think the point is that it needn't be that high. It has risen so much because it is purely our own doing.


Inflation rises and falls annually doesn't it and there is more than one factor involved in its behaviour so to blame a referendum solely is daft. Globally it behaves in the same fashion, whos to blame for that?

Edited by silentP
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We can't know the consequences of Brexit until Brexit has been completed, which it hasn't as yet.


One thing that does strike me is that people seem to be assuming that the UK will get a free choice in the type of Brexit we get. There are two sides to these talks and the EU are going to have a big say in whatever deal is finalised.

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Inflation rises and falls annually doesn't it and there is more than one factor involved in its behaviour so to blame a referendum solely is daft. Globally it behaves in the same fashion, whos to blame for that?


You cant be suggesting it's not at the very least partly down to brexit can you?

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We can't know the consequences of Brexit until Brexit has been completed, which it hasn't as yet.


One thing that does strike me is that people seem to be assuming that the UK will get a free choice in the type of Brexit we get. There are two sides to these talks and the EU are going to have a big say in whatever deal is finalised.


Blimey,you mean some people are starting to think there are no Golden Unicorns for them?

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