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Martin McGuinness dies aged 66

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For every atrocity attributed to McGuinness and the IRA,you can quote similar perpetrated by the Protestant Loyalists,and the British Army .

Northern Ireland was a hell hole for 30 years and at least both sides finally came together to give some hope for the future.

There seems to have been more forgiveness and reconciliation shown by those involved than by some of those posting on here.

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For every atrocity attributed to McGuinness and the IRA,you can quote similar perpetrated by the Protestant Loyalists,and the British Army .

Northern Ireland was a hell hole for 30 years and at least both sides finally came together to give some hope for the future.

There seems to have been more forgiveness and reconciliation shown by those involved than by some of those posting on here.


Yes the peace process was the lesser evil. Doesn't mean we have to pretend that some really terrible people didn't get away with some horrific crimes.


When British soldiers commit crimes they get punished.

Edited by unbeliever
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Yes the peace process was the lesser evil. Doesn't mean we have to pretend that some really terrible people didn't get away with some horrific crimes.


When British soldiers commit crimes they get punished.


If they commit crimes, they should do.

But we have seen some stupid things a lately.


The marine who dispatched that ISIS murder, being done for murder, and the young lad who was being bullied, done for attempted murder.


Both travesties of justice imo.


But say what you like about McGuinness.

He is dead, and the hatred being spouted by some may be a safety valve for them, and is better out than in I suppose.


It just seems rather demeaning to me.

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Yes the peace process was the lesser evil. Doesn't mean we have to pretend that some really terrible people didn't get away with some horrific crimes.


When British soldiers commit crimes they get punished.


It's doubtful if the republican extremists would have followed anyone other than McGuinnes in the peace process,so the lesser of two evils sounds about right to me.

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For every atrocity attributed to McGuinness and the IRA,you can quote similar perpetrated by the Protestant Loyalists,and the British Army .

Northern Ireland was a hell hole for 30 years and at least both sides finally came together to give some hope for the future.

There seems to have been more forgiveness and reconciliation shown by those involved than by some of those posting on here.


Where did British soldiers sit around a table and decide who was going to be killed.

Or maybe they had their own knee capping squad.

Mcguiness only became a politician to escape prosecution.

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Where did British soldiers sit around a table and decide who was going to be killed..


I don't know they sat around a table but I rather suspect they decided they were going out to do a bit of revenge in Londonderry in 1972 on a sunday afternoon....


Theres blood on all sides of Ulster.

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November 1974, Birmingham. Bombs in two pubs killed 21 people who had no influence and probably not much interest in the Irish problems.

March 1993, Warrington. Bombs placed in 2 litter bins next to shops killed 2 children.

These actions will have been sanctioned by the IRA leaders.


Bigoted ?? Me ?? only against cowardly scum who kill innocent people.

Not to forget the two pub bombings in Guildford 1974.

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Where did British soldiers sit around a table and decide who was going to be killed.

Or maybe they had their own knee capping squad.

Mcguiness only became a politician to escape prosecution.


Well there is the Miami Show Band massacre. But you could spend all night picking atrocities from all sides .


I just hope that the uncertainty following Brexit isn't used as an excuse by some opposed to the peace process to go back to the old ways

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