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Martin McGuinness dies aged 66

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Always sad to hear of anyone passing away. However this is an exception. We should be having a special public holiday and parties on the street to celebrate that such evil has gone from this earth. That man has blood on his hands and the world is a better place now he is in hell.

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Always sad to hear of anyone passing away. However this is an exception. We should be having a special public holiday and parties on the street to celebrate that such evil has gone from this earth. That man has blood on his hands and the world is a better place now he is in hell.


I didn't have much time for the bloke but that's a bloody daft idea.

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first you say "It is sad to see anyone pass away." Then you say that we should all be celebrating the death of Mr. McGuinness and dancing in the streets !

Lets follow the Queen's example and be charitable. I understand the frustration and realize you are thinking of the deaths of innocent citizens, and they should be top of mind.


Mr. McGuninness changed his mind as time went on and reversed himself. He then worked hard to stop the killing, along with many others, and they were successful. Lets be thankful for all the children of Northern Ireland. Hatred is an all consuming trait, nobody wins.

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Yes perhaps a daft idea nevertheless it shows the contempt i hold for mr mcguinness.



An evil little man with much blood on his hands, I hope he is having to stoke the fires of hell for eternity.


There are some actions that just cannot be forgiven.



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An evil little man with much blood on his hands, I hope he is having to stoke the fires of hell for eternity.


There are some actions that just cannot be forgiven.




Clearly there are plenty of people in Northern Ireland who would rather forgive than go on killing each other, and who can blame them? Who would argue that things were better before? Forgiveness is very hard when people have been involved in violence but once the violence has started, forgiveness is the only real way to end it.

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I don't condone violence, but people should do research into why the IRA came into being in the first place. As I say, I don't condone violence but they cause was/is just.

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If some who's relatives were killed by members of the IRA can forgive, why can't some on here?


That's an odd argument.


Who are you to say who should forgive who for what?




Do you forgive that murderer in London the other day, because a family member of one on his victims forgave them today on the news?

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