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What would you tell your 15 year old self ?

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1. You know bugger all.

2. No, really, you know bugger all.

3. Seek out advice from people who know more. Check your sources. Make sure they really do know more. Take that advice. Focus. Your decisions now are going to set you down a particular road. Make sure it's the right one.

4. That thing that's really, really important right now? It's really not important.

5. Don't have that perm you'll think about having in the summer of '86.

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1. Your boyfriends mum hates you

2. Quit your lousy job and run away

3. Don't quit your lousy job till you have enough money to vamoose with

4. Your lazy brothers will survive without you cooking and cleaning for them

5. Your brothers cook better than you anyway

6. Your cousin turns into a cheap slut, no matter how tempted you are don't make 'that' joke in front of her

7. You may look older than 15 and get served in pubs but alcohol poisoning in august leaves you looking like Winston Churchill's <removed>

8. You improve with age, we're lovely now

Edited by nikki-red
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