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Police officer Stabbed outside Houses Of Parliament

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And I bet the I word gave you a little frisson of excitement didn't it - you finally got to demonise them again after a day of waiting.




......and it also puts an end to your excuse making, hiding from the reality of the situation is one of the root causes.

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British Muslims making a stand here I think, if I have posted the correct site.


Looking at the twitter feed there it says we need to understand islam,i have a problem that has an atheist i do not want to learn anyones religion.I have never read any religious book,i dont want too.I had a bible thrust into my hand at school but i never read it.I used to come bottom of the class every year in religious education,it sounded like fictional mumbo jumbo.I am sorry to say i will not be willing to learn about any religion,it is the principle of it.As i said earlier it really upsets me that innocent people have been killed because of religious reasons.Totally senseless, it doesnt make any sense to me,totally illogical.

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Looking at the twitter feed there it says we need to understand islam,i have a problem that has an atheist i do not want to learn anyones religion.I have never read any religious book,i dont want too.I had a bible thrust into my hand at school but i never read it.I used to come bottom of the class every year in religious education,it sounded like fictional mumbo jumbo.I am sorry to say i will not be willing to learn about any religion,it is the principle of it.As i said earlier it really upsets me that innocent people have been killed because of religious reasons.Totally senseless, it doesnt make any sense to me,totally illogical.


I too am an atheist, but have read many parts of The Bible and translations of The Koran.

They are interesting books and give an insight into the jumbled and misguided thinking of the theists.

The people who wrote them were great manipulators of people.

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There was a photo in the DM today that had me in tears.

In total contrast to the action of the perpetrator of this terrible deed was the picture of a lady cradling a victim in her arms.

Two strangers one full of hate the other of compassion.

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I too am an atheist, but have read many parts of The Bible and translations of The Koran.

They are interesting books and give an insight into the jumbled and misguided thinking of the theists.

The people who wrote them were great manipulators of people.


I still cannot bring myself to read any of them.I still have the copy of the bible on a shelf behind where i am sat now,unread and now forty years old.I remember the gideon society representative who gave them to us saying that they would guide us through life in times of trouble and give us assurances of eternal life,a sort of security blanket.I wasnt having any of it,i was only interested in science and astronomy.

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I see that the right wing 'commentator' Katie Hopkins has wade into the tragic events. In an appearance on Fox News, Hopkins claimed people in London were “cowed”, “afraid” and “not united” following yesterday’s atrocity. She went on to say:

“all we are is a nation of ghettos” and that “liberals think multiculturalism actually means we all die together”.


But hundreds of people have hit back on Twitter to refute the picture she painted out of London, pointing out that people are going about their business as normal today.

Among them was MP James Cleverly, who revealed yesterday that he knew Keith Palmer, the policeman killed bravely protecting Parliament.

He wrote on Twitter:

"I've known Keith for 25 years. We served together in the Royal Artillery before he became a copper. A lovely man, a friend. I'm heartbroken".

And in a retort to Hopkins he added that:

"I'm on a train heading towards Westminster. No one is cowed, afraid or divided. Please stop your stupid attention seeking comments".

Well said him.

Edited by Mister M
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I see that the right wing 'commentator' Katie Hopkins has wade into the tragic events. In an appearance on Fox News, Hopkins claimed people in London were “cowed”, “afraid” and “not united” following yesterday’s atrocity. She went on to say:

“all we are is a nation of ghettos” and that “liberals think multiculturalism actually means we all die together”.


But hundreds of people have hit back on Twitter to refute the picture she painted out of London, pointing out that people are going about their business as normal today.

Among them was MP James Cleverly, who revealed yesterday that he knew Keith Palmer, the policeman killed bravely protecting Parliament.

He wrote on Twitter:

"I've known Keith for 25 years. We served together in the Royal Artillery before he became a copper. A lovely man, a friend. I'm heartbroken".

And in a retort to Hopkins he added that:

"I'm on a train heading towards Westminster. No one is cowed, afraid or divided. Please stop your stupid attention seeking comments".

Well said him.


I am certainly not afraid, im afraid of nobody but i am not convinced that we are winning the battle so i am probably not united.At the moment i am baffled and angry the same as i am everytime things like this happen.

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I am certainly not afraid, im afraid of nobody but i am not convinced that we are winning the battle so i am probably not united.At the moment i am baffled and angry the same as i am everytime things like this happen.


Hitler did his best and failed. Chin up old chap, we've nothing to worry about!

she's had her chips

Edited by JNewton69
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