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Police officer Stabbed outside Houses Of Parliament

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We didn't blow up National Socialism, we blew up the German army.

We didn't blow up pseudo-religious totalitarianism, we blew up the Japanese army.


Please tell me where the Wahabism army is (you could say Saudi, but yet no one seems to be advocating with bomb Riyadh)? Both of your examples we were fighting a specific nation with centrally controlled military and leadership. We are not fighting a nation anymore.


That affects how you conduct the military campaign against them. It does not affect whether you conduct one at all.

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because they are generally on a much larger scale, and the whole idea is to terrorise, which does happen when it involves mass casualties in very public places no matter what you call it.

On a side note, my missus had an idea yesterday, why not NOT mention the perpetrators name at all, that just puts them on a pedestal, they often do it to get a name, so the media shouldnt give them a platform, a badge of honour, just erase them from memory / history and forget they even exist.


Larger scale? So the attack wasn't a terror attack then as more people committed suicide in the UK than were killed in London. I'm not trying to be flippant, but the unbelievable amount of hyperbole around this is madness. People are becoming afraid and taking stupid precautions because of how the media has spun this and nearly all other terror attacks. Let's be honest, if you wanted to go and kill people in London with total disregard for your own life I suspect you'd manage to kill considerably more than 4 people. Terrorists almost by their nature are incompetent. Even the London bombers from 2011 only managed to achieve a tiny part of their plans because they couldn't even wire a bomb up correctly after going to training camps abroad and planning for over 3 years, is anyone honestly afraid of these idiots?


I'm not saying we ignore them, of course we don't, but our security services are almost certainly doing an excellent job of filtering out the larger planned attacks leaving only this pathetic singleton ones left. And as a result we should be looking with disdain at these people not fear.


---------- Post added 24-03-2017 at 11:13 ----------


That affects how you conduct the military campaign against them. It does not affect whether you conduct one at all.


Who is your target? Where are you going to strike?

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Who is your target? Where are you going to strike?


i don't know why you're asking that. Daesh conquered territory which they can and have been successfully fought for. Other groups have camps facilities that we've long been tracking down and blowing up. Drone strikes and other military actions have successfully killed hundreds of Al Quaeda and other Islamist leaders.


It would be nice to go after the idealogical leaders in Saudi and the Muslim brotherhood themselves, but the followers and field commanders are like weeds: First few times you chop them down they grow back, but eventually they get the idea.

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i don't know why you're asking that. Daesh conquered territory which they can and have been successfully fought for. Other groups have camps facilities that we've long been tracking down and blowing up. Drone strikes and other military actions have successfully killed hundreds of Al Quaeda and other Islamist leaders.


It would be nice to go after the idealogical leaders in Saudi and the Muslim brotherhood themselves, but the followers and field commanders are like weeds: First few times you chop them down they grow back, but eventually they get the idea.


How about we stop interfering and bombing Muslim countrys and then when people in mosques and children in schools are not getting blown up it may give less ammunition to the extremists to be able to recruit nutters to their cause= http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/US-Bombs-School-Shelter-in-Syria-Killing-33-Civilians-20170323-0002.html


The same way we British are upset and angry when we get attacked the same way Muslims get upset and angry seeing innocent Muslims getting attacked and killed by western coalitions bombing them to smithereens and unfortunately some turn to terrorism. I'm not justifying terrorism in any way I'm just giving my opinion before anyone jumps on my back saying I am.

Daesh has killed more Muslims than non Muslims too so those tarring all Muslims as the same need to give their heads a wobble too.

Edited by mafya
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How about we stop interfering and bombing Muslim countrys and then when people in mosques and children in schools are not getting blown up it may give less ammunition to the extremists to be able to recruit nutters to their cause.

The same way we British are upset and angry when we get attacked the same way Muslims get upset and angry seeing innocent Muslims getting attacked and killed by western coalitions bombing them to smithereens.

Daesh has killed more Muslims than non Muslims too so those tarring all Muslims as the same need to give their heads a wobble too.


Will that work?

If we cease all military activity and involvement in Muslim dominated countries, will that resolve the problem?

No more arms sales and no more western troops at all.


Well Saudi Arabia will likely become a full on theocracy, but considering what they have now that would only be marginally worst.

Northern Iraq would probably fall to the likes of Daesh, the Kurds would resist bravely but they'd eventually be wiped out, or subjugated.

Afghanistan would likely revert to theocracy again.

Israel would of course fall, but I suppose we could evacuate it. Also any other non-Muslims from the region who asked.


We don't need that part of the world for oil any more. It's only a bit more expensive to use western rock oil. I suppose we can wash our hands of the whole matter.


I'm pretty sure that either the Sunni or the Shia would eventually wipe out the other. There are more Sunni, but the Shia are better organised.


Are you sure that's what you want?

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How about we stop interfering and bombing Muslim countrys and then when people in mosques and children in schools are not getting blown up it may give less ammunition to the extremists to be able to recruit nutters to their cause= http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/US-Bombs-School-Shelter-in-Syria-Killing-33-Civilians-20170323-0002.html


The same way we British are upset and angry when we get attacked the same way Muslims get upset and angry seeing innocent Muslims getting attacked and killed by western coalitions bombing them to smithereens and unfortunately some turn to terrorism. I'm not justifying terrorism in any way I'm just giving my opinion before anyone jumps on my back saying I am.

Daesh has killed more Muslims than non Muslims too so those tarring all Muslims as the same need to give their heads a wobble too.


Islamic terrorism started long before western countries interfered as you call it. The rise of ISIS can be directly connected to the lack of governance due to the Arab spring, which started in Tunisia. A country that was not interfered with to use your words.


Stop blaming others for what is a problem within Islam and its associated culture, caused by corruption and the lack of competent leadership.

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Will that work?
Not until one or more new dictatorship(s) à la Hussein, Assad, et al arise and coercively suppress tribal warfare. Historically, it's the only common long-term stabilising factor.

Israel would of course fall, but I suppose we could evacuate it. Also any other non-Muslims from the region who asked.
Not before they turn some ME capitals into giant glow-in-the-dark car parks, I'm afraid. You're in danger of underestimate their own fanaticism. That has its own implications and carries its own momentum within the region's political balance(s).
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Not before they turn some ME capitals into giant glow-in-the-dark car parks, I'm afraid. You're in danger of underestimate their own fanaticism. That has its own implications and carries its own momentum within the region's political balance(s).


Well yes, they might well be inclined to convert Mecca to glass on their way out.

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Islamic terrorism started long before western countries interfered as you call it. The rise of ISIS can be directly connected to the lack of governance due to the Arab spring, which started in Tunisia. A country that was not interfered with to use your words.


Stop blaming others for what is a problem within Islam and its associated culture, caused by corruption and the lack of competent leadership.


My bold=

Nobody is blaming others, I'm giving reasons why some Muslims may turn towards terrorism.

Competent leaders like Gaddaffi you mean who we end up taking out to be replaced by the extremists?

Corruption has naff all to do with terrorism but hey keep bombing Muslim countrys on false pretences, keep arming so called moderate rebels, keep glorifying the white helmets who are terrorists and let's see if the terrorism stops.

You can't beat something if you fail to understand it, meanwhile our Govt continues to supply Saudi Arabia with weapons to kill Yemenis....?


---------- Post added 24-03-2017 at 13:17 ----------


Will that work?

If we cease all military activity and involvement in Muslim dominated countries, will that resolve the problem?

No more arms sales and no more western troops at all.


Well Saudi Arabia will likely become a full on theocracy, but considering what they have now that would only be marginally worst.

Northern Iraq would probably fall to the likes of Daesh, the Kurds would resist bravely but they'd eventually be wiped out, or subjugated.

Afghanistan would likely revert to theocracy again.

Israel would of course fall, but I suppose we could evacuate it. Also any other non-Muslims from the region who asked.


We don't need that part of the world for oil any more. It's only a bit more expensive to use western rock oil. I suppose we can wash our hands of the whole matter.


I'm pretty sure that either the Sunni or the Shia would eventually wipe out the other. There are more Sunni, but the Shia are better organised.


Are you sure that's what you want?


We have the technology to take out Daesh using precision weapons without killing innocent people, it will take time but indiscriminate bombing will only create more people willing to join the terrorists.

We need to stop supporting so called moderate rebels and Assad should be propped up otherwise if he falls then Syria will go to pit like Libya.....

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We have the technology to take out Daesh using precision weapons without killing innocent people, it will take time but indiscriminate bombing will only create more people willing to join the terrorists.

We need to stop supporting so called moderate rebels and Assad should be propped up otherwise if he falls then Syria will go to pit like Libya.....


Well this I must wholeheartedly agree with. It seems that the Assad's of this world are the lesser evil. It's really sad, but there's little point denying it now.

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