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Police officer Stabbed outside Houses Of Parliament

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How about we stop interfering and bombing Muslim countrys and then when people in mosques and children in schools are not getting blown up it may give less ammunition to the extremists to be able to recruit nutters to their cause= http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/US-Bombs-School-Shelter-in-Syria-Killing-33-Civilians-20170323-0002.html


The same way we British are upset and angry when we get attacked the same way Muslims get upset and angry seeing innocent Muslims getting attacked and killed by western coalitions bombing them to smithereens and unfortunately some turn to terrorism. I'm not justifying terrorism in any way I'm just giving my opinion before anyone jumps on my back saying I am.

Daesh has killed more Muslims than non Muslims too so those tarring all Muslims as the same need to give their heads a wobble too.


Your fellow muslims are killing far more of each other than the west is.

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If they did this then every Muslim the world over would end up rising up against them.......


Maybe. But Jerusalem is a precious to them as Mecca is to Muslims. Fair's fair.


---------- Post added 24-03-2017 at 13:24 ----------


Your fellow muslims are killing far more of each other than the west is.


mafya is acutely aware of that.

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I take it you are bereft of any reasoned argument?


Think is if I responded to you in such a way the hissy fit I'd get back would be immense I'm sure..... :roll:


Not in the slightest Obelix..i give the same as i get, respect gets respect.

I just cant be bothered to waste time giving a reasoned and thought out reply with people who question your opinion and demand evidence or proof, and then when you question theirs...well, they just never respond or they go awol

In a previous thread, he said Momentum were communists, and when i asked for any proof of this, his reply was .....Potato, potato..?

Jeez, and to think this man had the nerve to lecture me about forum etiquette..

anyway, this is all water under the bridge now, thanks for your input though

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Not in the slightest Obelix..i give the same as i get, respect gets respect.

I just cant be bothered to waste time giving a reasoned and thought out reply with people who question your opinion and demand evidence or proof, and then when you question theirs...well, they just never respond or they go awol

In a previous thread, he said Momentum were communists, and when i asked for any proof of this, his reply was .....Potato, potato..?

Jeez, and to think this man had the nerve to lecture me about forum etiquette..

anyway, this is all water under the bridge now, thanks for your input though


No, that wasn't quite what he said as there was important context that you missed and you do him a disservice and yourself by saying so.

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I know it shouldn't annoy me, but the candle lit vigils, hashtags and churchmen and politicians trotting out the cliches really does.


It doesn't solve anything and it doesn't prevent anything; give it a rest.


I agree that we should stop invading and bombing other people's countries, especially countries that have never done us any harm. There has been something nasty going on in the middle east and I reckon we haven't been told the reasons why we went to war there.

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I know it shouldn't annoy me, but the candle lit vigils, hashtags and churchmen and politicians trotting out the cliches really does.

and people that have put little union flags on their pictures on facebook :hihi: seems half my old fellow workers have

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