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Police officer Stabbed outside Houses Of Parliament

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Are you thinking this may not have been a terrorist action then?


By terrorism, I mean an act calculated to change public opinion by the use of violent actions against civilians, in order to change government policy?


As things stand nothing has been confirmed either way, we should just wait until things settle down and the police have had time to fully investigate what's driving this before we speculate and start rolling out the pitchforks.

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As things stand nothing has been confirmed either way, we should just wait until things settle down and the police have had time to fully investigate what's driving this before we speculate and start rolling out the pitchforks.


I completely agree.

Speculation and undignified behaviour is not the way forward.

Lashing out blindly solves nothing.

We should calmly and reasonably assess the information, over a cooling off period.


Then lash out blindly, as we always do. ;)

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My bold=

Nobody is blaming others, I'm giving reasons why some Muslims may turn towards terrorism.

Competent leaders like Gaddaffi you mean who we end up taking out to be replaced by the extremists?

Corruption has naff all to do with terrorism but hey keep bombing Muslim countrys on false pretences, keep arming so called moderate rebels, keep glorifying the white helmets who are terrorists and let's see if the terrorism stops.

You can't beat something if you fail to understand it, meanwhile our Govt continues to supply Saudi Arabia with weapons to kill Yemenis....?


Utter dross. You try to claim "we" are the cause ... generalising in a way you would cry foul of if I did the reverse :rolleyes:


How about we stop interfering and bombing Muslim countrys and then when people in mosques and children in schools are not getting blown up it may give less ammunition to the extremists to be able to recruit nutters


You claim I fail to understand but you see Islamic terrorism as a modern phenomena caused by the west. It simply is not. Muslims have been killing one another ever since Mohammed died and they couldn't agree on who should replace him.


Muslims have been killing each other for hundreds of years. Its only become a problem in the west due to the rise in the number of Muslims living in the west. It's not a coincidence the rise in islamic terrorism in western countries goes hand in hand with the rise in the number of Muslims living in the west.


Over the last few years there have been Islamic terrorist attacks in Bangladesh, Germany,Camaroon, Nigeria, Somalia, Chad, Niger, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Tunisia, Pakistan and Lebanon to name a few countries. Just how much meddling have these done in Muslim countries as you put it?

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Are you thinking this may not have been a terrorist action then?


By terrorism, I mean an act calculated to change public opinion by the use of violent actions against civilians, in order to change government policy?


I do not know what the motive was.

Does anyone know yet ?

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Utter dross. You try to claim "we" are the cause ... generalising in a way you would cry foul of if I did the reverse :rolleyes:




You claim I fail to understand but you see Islamic terrorism as a modern phenomena caused by the west. It simply is not. Muslims have been killing one another ever since Mohammed died and they couldn't agree on who should replace him.


Muslims have been killing each other for hundreds of years. Its only become a problem in the west due to the rise in the number of Muslims living in the west. It's not a coincidence the rise in islamic terrorism in western countries goes hand in hand with the rise in the number of Muslims living in the west.


Over the last few years there have been Islamic terrorist attacks in Bangladesh, Germany,Camaroon, Nigeria, Somalia, Chad, Niger, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Tunisia, Pakistan and Lebanon to name a few countries. Just how much meddling have these done in Muslim countries as you put it?


The terrorism we see today is a reaction to western policy of imposing democracy and bombing Muslim countrys, the we includes me as I'm part of western society too.

Instead of having a go back at me why not have a think about why all of a sudden terrorism is on the up.

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The terrorism we see today is a reaction to western policy of imposing democracy and bombing Muslim countrys, the we includes me as I'm part of western society too.

Instead of having a go back at me why not have a think about why all of a sudden terrorism is on the up.


Western intervention might explain terrorism in the west but why is there terrorism in nigeria and loads of other places on that list?

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Are you thinking this may not have been a terrorist action then?


By terrorism, I mean an act calculated to change public opinion by the use of violent actions against civilians, in order to change government policy?


Probably a loner who had become radicalised - police say he had an interest in jihad but was not directed by ISIS and had not discussed or planned this with anyone else.

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Western intervention might explain terrorism in the west but why is there terrorism in nigeria and loads of other places on that list?


The west can't be blamed for ALL terrorism everywhere of course, but I'd say its the route cause of most of the significant terrorism around the world. Western powers have a tendency of taking sides and propping up certain people/groups/regimes, to the detriment of other people/groups/regimes, and so on, for its own ends.

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Western intervention might explain terrorism in the west but why is there terrorism in nigeria and loads of other places on that list?


There is plenty of western intervention in Nigeria but its character is economic, corrupt and possibly paramilitary in nature, rather than all-out military intervention. A quick search of "Shell Nigeria corruption abuse" should give you hours of reading on the subject. It doesn't of course follow that this is what is driving Boko Haram but I think we need to ask ourselves if it's a contributing factor. Certainly corruption in the Nigerian government and the siphoning off of funds seems to be holding the military back in its operations against Boko Haram, and corruption in Nigeria is never far away from oil, e.g. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/mar/05/the-oil-deal-the-disgraced-minister-and-800m-paid-via-a-uk-bank

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