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Police officer Stabbed outside Houses Of Parliament

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There is plenty of western intervention in Nigeria but its character is economic, corrupt and possibly paramilitary in nature, rather than all-out military intervention. A quick search of "Shell Nigeria corruption abuse" should give you hours of reading on the subject. It doesn't of course follow that this is what is driving Boko Haram but I think we need to ask ourselves if it's a contributing factor. Certainly corruption in the Nigerian government and the siphoning off of funds seems to be holding the military back in its operations against Boko Haram, and corruption in Nigeria is never far away from oil, e.g. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/mar/05/the-oil-deal-the-disgraced-minister-and-800m-paid-via-a-uk-bank


But the west is and has been screwing Africa over since the year dot. A Nigerian (of whatever religion) running amok would make more sense than a Muslim born in Kent doing what he did.

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its amazing what you can find online that you never knew about. somebody on another site just posted this piccie


so i did a search on the guy as i'd never heard of him, which lead me to this


In 1947 in the aftermath of the Exodus incident, he led a Stern Gang plot to bomb London in protest.[3] Korff traveled to Paris and offered a member of the United States Air Force, Reginald Gilbert, money to fly the plane that would bomb London. Gilbert accepted Korff's offer, and then took the matter to French police.[7] Korff was then arrested. In protest of his arrest, he held a hunger strike[8] which lasted 17 days until he was released by officials.[3] Korff fell into a coma and was treated in a hospital, but all charges were dropped against him.[3] Korff was also part of Menachem Begin's underground movement in the 1948 Palestine war.


so people related to israel and the US were once implicated in a terrorist plot to blow up London (as they are the enemy), funnily enough i bet this guys not as derided as Mandela, Mcguiness etc for once being a terrorist and then became a leader.

Former Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in 1983.



Edited by melthebell
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its amazing what you can find online that you never knew about.


Well I knew about Menachem Begin , former Prime Minister of Israel and his membership of the Irgun . I knew they killed and injured British soldiers , police and civilians but hadn't realised how many . We know him better as the nobel peace prize winner with Anwar Saddat


1944, September 27 Unknown number of casualties, around 150 Irgun members attacked four British police stations

1944, September 29 1 Senior British police officer of the Criminal Intelligence Department assassinated in Jerusalem.

1945, November 1 5 locomotives destroyed in Lydda station. Two staff, one soldier and one policeman killed.

1945, December 27 3 British policemen and 4 Sotho soldiers killed during the bombing of British CID headquarters in Jerusalem; 1 British soldier killed during attack of British army camp in north Tel Aviv

1946, February 22 Destroyed 14 aeroplanes at 5 RAF stations.

1947, June 18 One Haganah member killed by a booby trap while sealing a tunnel dug by Irgun to blow up the British

1946, July 22 91 people were killed at the bombing of the King David Hotel (which was the British headquarters), mostly civilians, staff of the hotel or Secretariat,

41 Arabs, 15-28 British citizens, 17 Palestinian Jews, 2 Armenians, 1 Russian, 1 Greek and 1 Egyptian.

1946, October 30 2 British guards killed during Gunfire and explosion at Jerusalem Railway Station.

1946, October 31 Bombing of the British Embassy in Rome. Nearly half the building was destroyed and 3 people were injured.

1947, January 12 4 killed in bombing of British headquarters.

1947, March 1 17 British officers killed, during raid and explosion.

1947, March 12 1 British soldier killed during the attack on Schneller Camp.

1947, July 19 4 locations within Haifa are attacked, killing a British constable and injuring 12.

1947, July 29 2 kidnapped British sergeants hanged.

1947, August 4 Two Suitcase time-bombs explode in the basement of the Hotel Sacher, Vienna (British Army Headquarters)

1947, August 5 3 British policemen killed in bombing of British Labour Department office in Jerusalem

1947, August 9 Jewish train engineer killed in Cairo-Haifa train bombing

1947, August 12 1 British soldier injured in bombing of London-Villach military train outside Tauern tunnel near Mallintz, Austria. A second bomb failed to explode, the two were intended to derail the train over a steep cliff. No injuries from a second explosion outside British camp commandant's office in Velden.

1947, September 26 4 British policemen killed in Irgun bank robbery.

1947, September 29 10 killed (4 British policemen, 4 Arab policemen and an Arab couple) and 53 injured in Haifa police headquarters bombing by Irgun. One ton of explosives in a barrel was used for the bombing and Irgun said it was done on the first day of Sukkot to avoid Jewish casualties.

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Does anyone know which bridge in Sheffield is being used today?


Police officers and hundreds of members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association are among those expected to join together on Westminster Bridge to mark the attack.

The Metropolitan Police Federation said people planned to link hands across the bridge from the south to the north at 14:40 - the time the attack began.

Similar events are also being staged on bridges in Sheffield, Birmingham, Leeds, Leicester and Manchester.



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Why should rank and file Muslims have to separate themselves out from the rest of society to show their disgust at this mans actions?

This kind of thing is all too reminiscent of the actions in 1930's Germany, when a section of people were blamed for all the country's ills.


Further to this, a very high proportion of people who voted to leave the EU were doing so as a tacit vote against Muslims, whipped up by all the false propaganda about invading hordes massing in Europe.


Suspicion and division is what the hidden forces at work in this country, and indeed throughout the world, thrive on.

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Why should rank and file Muslims have to separate themselves out from the rest of society to show their disgust at this mans actions?

This kind of thing is all too reminiscent of the actions in 1930's Germany, when a section of people were blamed for all the country's ills.


Further to this, a very high proportion of people who voted to leave the EU were doing so as a tacit vote against Muslims, whipped up by all the false propaganda about invading hordes massing in Europe.


Suspicion and division is what the hidden forces at work in this country, and indeed throughout the world, thrive on.


''false propaganda about invading hordes massing in Europe''

Its estimated that 1million plus people ended up in Germany alone !

Didn't you see any news in the summer of 2015 ?

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