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Police officer Stabbed outside Houses Of Parliament

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''false propaganda about invading hordes massing in Europe''

Its estimated that 1million plus people ended up in Germany alone !

Didn't you see any news in the summer of 2015 ?


What has that got to do with leaving the EU?

This is how the trick was pulled.

If those people were going to 'invade' this sceptred isle they would be here by now.

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Police are saying a Terrorist attack ,so if that is true , i think its safe to assume its Muslims .


Also car has ploughed into pedestrians on westminster bridge and mowed the down .


I was reading an article the other day, it was in The Times as opposed to the Mail or Express, so we can believe it. The Muslims least likely to commit terrorism are those from South Asia, i.e. Pakistan and Bangladesh. On the other hand, relative to their numbers, the ones far more likely to commit terrorism are converts. And the most likely of all were converts who have criminal records. The perpetrator of this outrage ticks all the boxes.

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I was reading an article the other day, it was in The Times as opposed to the Mail or Express, so we can believe it. The Muslims least likely to commit terrorism are those from South Asia, i.e. Pakistan and Bangladesh. On the other hand, relative to their numbers, the ones far more likely to commit terrorism are converts. And the most likely of all were converts who have criminal records. The perpetrator of this outrage ticks all the boxes.


Well I never, people who are have committed violent crime are more likely to commit a violent crime. Never saw that one coming...:roll:

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Well I never, people who are have committed violent crime are more likely to commit a violent crime. Never saw that one coming...:roll:

ive been saying on here for a couple of years now, its mostly (not wholly mind) people who already have a penchant for petty crime and violence who are most likely to commit these atrocities, it bleeds in to their violent and criminal tendencies, the religious aspect is just a tool to unleash it.

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Originally Posted by Justin Smith :

I was reading an article the other day, it was in The Times as opposed to the Mail or Express, so we can believe it. The Muslims least likely to commit terrorism are those from South Asia, i.e. Pakistan and Bangladesh. On the other hand, relative to their numbers, the ones far more likely to commit terrorism are converts. And the most likely of all were converts who have criminal records. The perpetrator of this outrage ticks all the boxes.


Well I never, people who are have committed violent crime are more likely to commit a violent crime. Never saw that one coming...:roll:


It`s not quite as simple as that though is it ? One would have thought that criminals cant be devoutly religious. Let`s be honest, to commit some of the acts these people do you`ve got to take religion to a stratospheric level, as well as completely misunderstanding it, obviously.

But it isn`t just about criminal records, it`s about the fact converts are statistically far more likely to become terrorists than those who have always been Muslim.

Lastly, it gives a lie to those who think restricting immigration is going to have any significant effect of terrorism.

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