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Police officer Stabbed outside Houses Of Parliament

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Perhaps it would create greater understanding, if religions claiming to follow one god celebrated together, not under the banner of one 'religion'

It's a wonderful idea. People need to organise these things though don't they. Governments have shown that they dont possess the ability to bring any kind of (lasting) peace or indeed an inclination to bring it about with any conviction as far as the middle east goes anyway.
It is little-known (even within France itself) that France, that well-known posterboy of secularity, actually pays for the theologies (salaries, pensions, building maintenance, etc. for each of catholics, protestants and jews: priests, pastors and rabbis are, basically, civil servants) in Alsace and Moselle, and has done so steadfastly since 1918 (and again since 1945).


Something inherited from Napoleon, which Kaiser Wilhelm I kept up after the 1870 annexation of that region, and which was kept on the statute books ever since (along with a raft of further local idiosyncrasies, particularly as regards social care, benefits, etc.) after the region's repeated liberation, notwithstanding the secularity laws promulgated in France in 1905 (-when that region was German, not French, which goes to some way to explain how & why they don't apply there).


That region, in turn, has steadfastly demonstrated theological unity and homogeneity for decades, with exactly the sort of inter-faith events, celebrations and collaborations you allude to, year-in, year-out.


Last I checked (last year IIRC), all 3 (local) heads of the catholic, protestant and jewish groups were jointly lobbying the French government to include the Muslim faith into the mix. I'm not aware that they've succeeded yet. But you get the gist I'm sure.

Edited by L00b
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Since the title of this thread concerns the events of yesterday which resulted in the death of a policeman (and others) and bearing in mind how this thread has veered off into the realms of Islamaphobia drum beating - may I ask that either the title of the thread be changed or that the mods are more proactive in keeping the thread on track as they have been very recently on far less emotive threads.

Surely it is now time to discuss the bravery of the police personnel involved and of those who work every day to protect and preserve the safety of the public - selflessly and without thought for their own lives. Also, those who work for the ambulance service and hospitals whose skill and professionalism have, no doubt, saved lives. And not least of all, all those regular members of society who going about their own business on Westminster Bridge yesterday and assisted the injured and dying.

God bless them all and give them strength and peace in the next days, weeks and months ahead.

Edited by Daven
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What of people who follow other gods?


I do not follow any god, and consider those who do to be weird in the extreme, so therefore cannot speak for them.


I was just making a suggestion for the misguided ones among us.

It will never stop the 'Soldiers of the Islamic State' as this fellow was, but it may draw others closer to an understanding of themselves and their imaginary 'gods'.

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British Muslims making a stand here I think, if I have posted the correct site.


There's also a Muslim led campaign to raise money for the families of those killed or injured yesterday.



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