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Systema - Nick Farrar?

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Ok after some fairly extensive searching on the tinterweb I've found that there is somebody who is able to teach Systema in or around sheffield - Nick Farrar. If there is anybody who can get me in touch with this man, or has any information on Systema/close combat fighting, please reply/get in touch at a.j.w.sheffo@gmail.com

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Hi Carl_Malibu


I had nicks number but my phone was stolen, Paul genge (russian martial arts norhwest) gave me his number.Try contacting paul through his website, think his mobile number is on there. Im looking to start systema too, but paul is the closest instructor in manchester.He does private tuition at 40 quid for a two hour session, if your interested we could split the cost.

Good luck, I hope you find the elusive mister nick

p.s if you know of any local classes can you pm me please

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Its a whole body system of Russian martial arts.Im no expert so check out wikipedia or systema uk.Theres some really interesting stuff on there.I really want to learn it but there are no classes or instructors locally.Vladimir Vasiliev is doing a seminar soon in cambridge I think. May be attending, sure they will wipe the floor with me.

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