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Migrating Geese

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I don't notice geese here half as much as I used to when I lived with my parents. There my bedroom was in the attic with a flat dormer roof on it and clearly their house is the right distance from local fields for the geese to use as a staging and gathering post before setting off on flights. I can tell you that 15 Canada geese landing on the flat roof (when you're in bed and know for sure that you're on the top floor) can really be a worry until you know what it is!

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Saw two this morning over Norton Lees, probably stragglers from the south, looked like grey geese but can't remember which ones head for Canada round about this time of year


Last year I was up early just before the sun came up so we had a crescent moon above and a pearly glow on the horizon, I was watching the bats when a flock of geese flew over, had the most amazing sight of geese and bats silhouetted against the moon together.

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Oh hope if there are planes flying in the area, the geese do not fly near them. Wasn't it geese that brought down a jet plane on The Hudson River? Who would have though that these birds are capable of bringing down a big airliner. Makes you wonder how many bird strikes there are when a plane is airborne.

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