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Carbrook-Attercliffe 1960 - 1974 lived, worked enjoyed the times there

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Hi, my brother and me were brought up down the "cliffe" in the early 60's and thoroughly enjoyed our time time there and also had lots of great friends up until the slum clearance in the early seventies. My brother and I often speak of our friends of those days and do wish we could meet them now to reminiss the times gone by. I can imagine the laughter we would create by bringing back the memories of the old times and the things and pranks that we would get in to. My name is Paul, my brother is Peter, we lived at 165 Attercliffe common, our closest mates were, Kevin, Martin,Stuart, Kevin, Stephen. These were the main core, I have named them such as some were brothers, sadly the Kevin's, I believe have passed over, sadly missed by us both and no doubt by the others who knew them. The people we knew on our adoptive street (Bradford) were as follows, obviously the females were maiden names lol, Susan Moj, Stephen Grayson and Mary, Dougie Jones ( sadly gone RIP mate) Valerie, Kevin, Martin, Jeanette, Anita and Paula Slater. .. Stuart and Kevin Beal ( Kev sadly gone a while ago RIP mate miss you ) ... That's it for now, welling up, sadddo me lol ... Tell me your memories please .... Paul .

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