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It is now Two Thousand and Fifty .

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Why should someone inherit a property, in fact any significant amount of money, without paying any tax on it, when they haven`t done a shred of work for it, when the rest of us have to pay shed loads of tax for money we earn by working ? And the argument that it`s already had the tax paid on it is not logical, double tax is an everyday occurrence for all of us. You buy something with your taxed income, and pay VAT on it. So why should there be a different rule so some spoilt kid can get a free house and pay no tax on it.....


Because that money has already been taxed at source.

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Money will be of no significance.

They will be living by trade and barter, or on a hunter gatherer life style.

Emley Moor television mast will be being adored as a phallic symbol.


And in the wind, voices will be heard chanting,

'brexit means brexit' :D

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It's 2050 and the world has achieved sustainability .


What will society be like ?


The rich will be a whole lot richer. The poor will be a lot poorer and there will be a whole lot more of them.


Think 'the hunger games' or 'Elysium.'


Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn (or son of Jeremy,) will be holed up in a bunker somewhere still unsuccessfully trying to organise the revolution, and saying 'I told you so...'

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Well theres an argument as to why you pay VAT as well yes... but that's because it's had value added....


I never got anything like that when I was growing up. I had to work for it and it was hard. So whats so terribly wrong with wanting to give your children a help up in life? I you think that's not permissible then perhaps we should ban all sorts of gifts from the grandparents unless they are taxed as well..


I agree, I support inheritance tax. We are not saying that you cannot amass wealth for your offspring, but lets tax it.


---------- Post added 28-03-2017 at 23:26 ----------


Considering that it will be the Millennials who will be in the driving seat. Will they push society into less competitive and a more cooperative social/economic arrangements ?

Will capitalism be the predominant economic system?


Disposable clothes and everyone wearing lycra, more capitalism I would suggest. They wont have a clue how to repair or reuse anything.

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Guest sibon
One thing I'd like to do is restrict driving licences.


Right now, if you want a licence you can get one assuming you meet age, medical conditions and basic skill levels.


But we don't have a massive amount of road space. Nor do we have that much air to pollute. Or space to park them. So say by 2025 or whatever the Govt says it will cap the driving licences at some figure X.


Want a licence but none are available? Tough luck. Sorry but there you go. Of course if you do something that makes you lose your licence, then you go to the back of the queue.... so suddenly a totting up points ban is a real big deal...


It'll keep the car numbers down on the road, and reduce congestion and pollution. The flip side of course is people won't have licences... so we need to make allowances. If you job requires it then you get a dispensation - so doctors on call etc, field workers etc. The licence should be rather valuable. So if you choose to give up your licence, or don't have one, you get a) free bus and much reduced rail fares and b) £1000 a year (or suitable sum). You don't get that rebate if you lost your licence through crime though.


Sound unworkable? I think it could work, there will be a lot of trimming and tweaking needed but could something like that for 2050 be possible? Please note that I still expect you to require a licence for a self driving car.


Why not just limit which vehicles can drive on a given day. Many European cities have number plate based restrictions which they use when pollution gets too bad. We could do the same. Only cars with plates starting with A-J one day, K-Z the next.


Seems fairer than restricting licences.

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Why not just limit which vehicles can drive on a given day. Many European cities have number plate based restrictions which they use when pollution gets too bad. We could do the same. Only cars with plates starting with A-J one day, K-Z the next.


Seems fairer than restricting licences.


Because people will just buy two cars if they can afford it and that means the wealthy get to drive all the time and the one car family only half the time.

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Because people will just buy two cars if they can afford it and that means the wealthy get to drive all the time and the one car family only half the time.


Maybe all cars will be driverless electric vehicles that just arrive at your door when you need them.

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As of 26th March 2017 the world population is estimated to be 7.9 billion.


It has been argued that the control of population growth requires greater attention than that given to climate change.




There are a number of contraceptive methods available -including male and female sterilisation .


Will the millennials be able to tackle the politically thorny and morally difficult problem of controlling population growth ?





Edited by petemcewan
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Everything will be done by robots, and we will have loads of leisure time, even our leisure time will be done online ;)


Wow that sounds word for word from a quote from Tomorrows World, about computers in the 80's.Alot of people found that leisure time ment unemployment.

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Maybe, just maybe, in thirty three years time some of the more cerebral cyclists may have evolved just enough to realise that if you put an engine in the kiddies toy, it becomes a viable means of transport rather than the bane of everyone elses life that it is presently (2017). It worked well for messrs Harley and Davidson some one hundred and fourteen years ago.


Also, they may have evolved a sense of humour too. ;)

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