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Buchanan drive voted most anti social in country

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police data obtained by software company Hopewiser found Buchanan Drive in Parson Cross and the immediate surrounding streets saw 143 crimes reported from July to December last year - the fourth highest in England and Wales



From http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/sheffield-community-hits-back-over-one-of-country-s-most-anti-social-estates-label-1-8463159


143 incidents were reported on or near Buchanan Drive. 93% of all recorded crime was due to anti-social behaviour, with 133 incidents reported. Discarding the huge number of anti-social behaviour, the street only experienced 10 other incidents across every other type of crime.


From the Hopewiser website...



Edited by nikki-red
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Read reports that Buchanan drive has been voted the most anti social in the country ,personally I think this is wrong ,what's other people's thoughts on this ?


Not shocked; not shocked at all.


I'd be surprised if more areas of Sheffield aren't on the list!

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People will read that and instantly think its the residents who are anti-social, when i reality it could just be a target area for burglars or a congregation location for chavs who don't even live there.


I think you're right.

It's right by Asda, an off-licence, several take-aways and the local bookies.


Sounds like a perfect place for the local pond-life to congregate.

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I think you're right.

It's right by Asda, an off-licence, several take-aways and the local bookies.


Sounds like a perfect place for the local pond-life to congregate.


Parson Cross is one of the poorest areas in Europe.)

That doesn't make the majority of people living there 'pond-life.' It means they need more help and investment than most.


Poverty is not pretty, and comes with costs for the rest of society, another reason why real help is a necessity. What they get is the occasional sticking plaster.

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