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Yet Another Rogues Gallery Of Groomers Emerges

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I believe it to be a racist crime, it's almost text book, the comments made by the perpetrators, stereotyping, predjudice, descrimination made manifest.

I'm glad Sarah Champion has spoke out about this, but so did Anne Cryer in 2003 ............... yes 14 years ago and it got her nowhere.




Good point. People have known this has been going on for years, and if any politician whether local or national from the areas where it has been going on says that they didn't know about it, well all I can say is maybe they didn't want to know.


Now, after decades of ignoring the problem the same people who turned their faces away from it are the ones elbowing their way to the front of the queue, saying that political correctness has gone too far.


Yes, and they, the politicians are the very ones who were the most politically correct of all! They make me sick. People have been bullied and intimidated into silence by the same class of people who are now very publically wringing their hands in anguish.

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Good point. People have known this has been going on for years, and if any politician whether local or national from the areas where it has been going on says that they didn't know about it, well all I can say is maybe they didn't want to know.


Now, after decades of ignoring the problem the same people who turned their faces away from it are the ones elbowing their way to the front of the queue, saying that political correctness has gone too far.


Yes, and they, the politicians are the very ones who were the most politically correct of all! They make me sick. People have been bullied and intimidated into silence by the same class of people who are now very publically wringing their hands in anguish.


The police chief who publicly commended his team for the Rochdale incarcerations was the same chief who had ignored damning evidence that was presented to him years before, the hipocrisy is incredible.

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It's people throwing around the race card that has made these vile gangs untouchable and allowed the whole scenario to flourish as it has, someone reported that EVERY city that has a Muslim community will have had cases of this nature.


And those idiots in authorities (police, council services) who are worried about racism over child abuse; I was reading in yesterdays Telegraph the Attorney General said that those in these grooming gangs who target white youngsters, will face additional tariffs to their sentences when there is evidence of racism. If that means these scumbags get longer sentences & deported (if not British) then I'm glad.


As the AG rightly said, racism cuts both ways.

Edited by Mister M
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If that means these scumbags get longer sentences & deported (if not British) then I'm glad.


As the AG rightly said, racism cuts both ways.


Re: deportation. It's not going to happen for the simple fact that our police forces do not routinely verify immigration status as part of their "booking in" process in custody.


To avoid being charged with additional immigration-related offences, foreign nationals simply self-identify as British or EEA subjects when asked.


So you're left with this ridiculous system where foreign nationals who are in Britain illegally are being found guilty of on non-immigration offences, jailed at the taxpayers expense, and later released back into society as illegal immigrants.

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Re: deportation. It's not going to happen for the simple fact that our police forces do not routinely verify immigration status as part of their "booking in" process in custody.


To avoid being charged with additional immigration-related offences, foreign nationals simply self-identify as British or EEA subjects when asked.


So you're left with this ridiculous system where foreign nationals who are in Britain illegally are being found guilty of on non-immigration offences, jailed at the taxpayers expense, and later released back into society as illegal immigrants.


Have to say that this is a crazy situation. I find it utterly baffling that there is no *simple* way to find out if someone is entitled to be here or not. All british citizens should be recorded on a central database somewhere and all those with visas. Anyone entering the country legally via border controls should also be added and then removed when they leave. If you are not on any of those lists then the onus must be on you to prove the right to remain here, which should be fairly simple for most people.


Have I missed something obvious that would make this impossible?

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Re: deportation. It's not going to happen for the simple fact that our police forces do not routinely verify immigration status as part of their "booking in" process in custody.


To avoid being charged with additional immigration-related offences, foreign nationals simply self-identify as British or EEA subjects when asked.


So you're left with this ridiculous system where foreign nationals who are in Britain illegally are being found guilty of on non-immigration offences, jailed at the taxpayers expense, and later released back into society as illegal immigrants.


Anybody sentenced to over 12 mths imprisonment is automatically seen by the immigration status officer in prison to check them out....

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Re: deportation. It's not going to happen for the simple fact that our police forces do not routinely verify immigration status as part of their "booking in" process in custody.


To avoid being charged with additional immigration-related offences, foreign nationals simply self-identify as British or EEA subjects when asked.


So you're left with this ridiculous system where foreign nationals who are in Britain illegally are being found guilty of on non-immigration offences, jailed at the taxpayers expense, and later released back into society as illegal immigrants.




You will have had lots of experience of asking a court for an order recommending (which is an important word) deportation then.


Have a read of the Immigration Act 1971 section 3 (6) and (8) - you will find (8) of interest too.


If there is a question as to status the individual would ordinarily be served with an IM 3 before a hearing where deportation may be an issue.


The fact a person is convicted of non-immigration offences does not prevent the process does it.


As has been pointed out individuals are also seen in custody post sentence if an issue as to immigration status is thought to be applicable.

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