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Yet Another Rogues Gallery Of Groomers Emerges

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To Mr.M.


I can't give you specific instances re.child abuse back then, but it was widespread of course, the difference being that it hadn't been added to by outsiders prone to the curse. Any response to it, and other problems, would have been 'organised' by those in the local community, particularly by the young men who had either recently returned from the horrors of war, or who were doing their compulsory National Service. They were the ones who'd leave the pub and keep things in order if summoned; outside the law, certainly, and often unjustified, but the police seemed content with the help; compare that to today.


Then, the family unit and long-established, friendly neighbourhoods where everyone knew everyone else were the order of the day. The women folk, gossiping in the corner shops were the arbiters of what was acceptable and what was not, woe betide any woman who didn't sweep her front or who had the proverbial dirty curtains ( think Ena Sharples, if you know of her !)


In such working communities, burglaries were almost unknown as few had anything worth pinching, but when one happened, it would be talked about for weeks. Likewise with murder, the rare cases around the country outraging the entire nation; compare that to today. Other old 'uns will have different social memories of course, depending on class.


It was a time when you could say what you wanted, and if it offended, it was argued out or walked away from instead of today's sneaky reporting. That's what I mean by wimps, if my fears of a coming economic and social breakdown happens, few young men today would be able to protect their loved ones with the same street-wise and worldly experience of young men 'back then'.


Did we have to follow the utterly destabilising mass immigration path ? Things had carried on for centuries without it, right through the war the hospitals coped, fruit and veg got picked, work got done, we coped, despite the work injustices which have been multiplied many times by such cheap-labour immigration; and we were NEVER a nation of immigrants until the last few decades. True socialists helped to end those injustices, great patriotic socialists like Bessy Bradock and Ellen Wilkinson, not the internationalist lot who shame their memory today.


End of rant, ready for the flack. Thanks for the link btw Mr.M, I'll read it when I've calmed down.








Thanks for the link, will read it this evening.


---------- Post added 10-05-2017 at 13:44 ----------


Mr.M. Could you please give that link again. Thanks.

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Why do certain people on here stick up for Pakistani grooming gangs there sick.Take a look at how many post they've made do they ever leave the computer NO sat with there heads up there arse . Get out in the REAL world . Lets face it people like you caused this.

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Why do certain people on here stick up for Pakistani grooming gangs there sick.Take a look at how many post they've made do they ever leave the computer NO sat with there heads up there arse . Get out in the REAL world . Lets face it people like you caused this.

NOBODYS sticking up for grooming gangs, learn to read, theres a difference between highlighting wrongs and using it as a stick to beat the religion islam, or the race asian with.

Surprisingly (not) people who seem to hold this issue to heart have clearly missed my post about a couple of "english, white" child abusers. They also seem to have missed the recent news about the football scandal which has risen up again, but hey, thats again because its british and white perpetrators ;)

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Why do certain people on here stick up for Pakistani grooming gangs there sick.Take a look at how many post they've made do they ever leave the computer NO sat with there heads up there arse . Get out in the REAL world . Lets face it people like you caused this.


That's a fascinating assertion, can you provide links to any posts where anyone has stuck up for the grooming gangs?

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A waste of time starting a new thread, 29 alleged child groomers in Court in Leeds yesterday, trials to take place next year, the scale is staggering with a new inquiry almost every week.


But we mustn't talk about the common denominator

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Hi Yorkshire53


Hope you're well?


Here's the link you requested:



---------- Post added 12-05-2017 at 18:06 ----------


Why do certain people on here stick up for Pakistani grooming gangs there sick.Take a look at how many post they've made do they ever leave the computer NO sat with there heads up there arse . Get out in the REAL world . Lets face it people like you caused this.


Who's sticking up for the grooming gangs? I'm certainly not. Personally I'd let the sub-human scum rot in a prison cell.

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To Mr.M.


I can't give you specific instances re.child abuse back then, but it was widespread of course, the difference being that it hadn't been added to by outsiders prone to the curse.


What do you mean? Are you claiming that certain groups of immigrants have a propensity to paedophilia? Which groups?

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Guest sibon
But we mustn't talk about the common denominator


I'm sure that you can mention that the overwhelming majority of these offenders are male.


That's the true common denominator, isn't it.

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