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Blowing your own trumpet .

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Bringing someone down a peg or two is almost as bad as someone blowing their own trumpet.


I find bragging very distasteful, but I also find people who'd openly belittle someone for their success bad as well.

I hate the general thought that everyone needs to dwell on the bottom and no-one should strive for anything better.


It should not be your self definition though.

Bragging is vulgar and is not done.

I never brag, except by bragging about not bragging.

Also, and most important in my view, I have nothing to brag about.

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As I read these threads along with other social media ones I often come across folk who tell all and sundry just how good they them selves are .


You know how it goes ,my house has got ten rooms or my car cost £££££££ , or I worked hard at school and ended up with a top job, or my kids are so perfect that all others pale into insignificance when compared .


You get em at every bar in every pub,= the latest holiday in Acapulco or the skiing season in the Alps followed by the plans to send little Oscar or Amelia to private school and so on .


When I was a kid in the forty's and fifty's we never heard discussions like this and any one who boasted how much better than us they were soon got brought down a peg or two .


So is blowing your own trumpet a modern thing or has it always been the norm.???


I was a child in the 50s and 60s and we didn't have social media, was it something we lost between the 40s and 50s?

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As I read these threads along with other social media ones I often come across folk who tell all and sundry just how good they them selves are .


You know how it goes ,my house has got ten rooms or my car cost £££££££ , or I worked hard at school and ended up with a top job, or my kids are so perfect that all others pale into insignificance when compared .


You get em at every bar in every pub,= the latest holiday in Acapulco or the skiing season in the Alps followed by the plans to send little Oscar or Amelia to private school and so on .


When I was a kid in the forty's and fifty's we never heard discussions like this and any one who boasted how much better than us they were soon got brought down a peg or two .


So is blowing your own trumpet a modern thing or has it always been the norm.???

The difference is that when people used to tell us about those thing we knew when they were pillocking. Nowadays we are told on anonymous forums about what great jobs people have, how hard working they are, qualifications, high pay etc.

If you believe about 50 percent of it, divide that by two then take half of the result you'll probably be somewhere near the truth.

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The difference is that when people used to tell us about those thing we knew when they were pillocking. Nowadays we are told on anonymous forums about what great jobs people have, how hard working they are, qualifications, high pay etc.

If you believe about 50 percent of it, divide that by two then take half of the result you'll probably be somewhere near the truth.


Do you lie on internet forums alot?

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Do you lie on internet forums alot?

No. She won't let me come on here too much, (other things to do) plus I've never said anything on here about my job before I retired, my wages or my qualifications, because they're not relevant.

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So why do you think everyone else lies then!

Where did I say everybody lies? Putting words in someone's mouth again.

I said before the internet we knew when people were pillocking.

Don't you think it's a bit odd when we are told how hard working people are

when at the same time spending every waking hour on here?

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Self-deprecation used to be a very British thing, the idea being that the more you had to brag, the less you had to brag about. Showing off was considered very vulgar and looked down upon.


I think it's changed with globalisation. We all have to take after America now and big-up our achievements just to get noticed. Quiet confidence doesn't get you anywhere anymore, you literally have to be 'a big noise.'


And I deplore it.

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