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Blowing your own trumpet .

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Self-deprecation used to be a very British thing, the idea being that the more you had to brag, the less you had to brag about. Showing off was considered very vulgar and looked down upon.


I think it's changed with globalisation. We all have to take after America now and big-up our achievements just to get noticed. Quiet confidence doesn't get you anywhere anymore, you literally have to be 'a big noise.'


And I deplore it.


You are right.

We need only look back to the referendum.

The loud mouthed fools won the day.

Decent Englishmen have been left by the wayside.

It is really sad how our country has declined so quickly.

Even as recently as the 1970's English people were respected, and treat with decency abroad.

But no more.

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Self-deprecation used to be a very British thing, the idea being that the more you had to brag, the less you had to brag about. Showing off was considered very vulgar and looked down upon.


I think it's changed with globalisation. We all have to take after America now and big-up our achievements just to get noticed. Quiet confidence doesn't get you anywhere anymore, you literally have to be 'a big noise.'


And I deplore it.


It's preached to us almost on a weekly basis through College and Uni these days that if you're not able to present yourself properly with a portfolio of your work and a huge positive attitude and an ability to demonstrate your excellence, you'll never get a job. I think here is where a lot of (younger) people get what I would call arrogance. Even through school it's not too dis-similar.


That isn't to say you shouldn't be proud of what you may have accomplished but there is a fine line between pride and bragging. But it's been said, you're nobody to anyone these days if you don't shout about it.

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You are right.

We need only look back to the referendum.

The loud mouthed fools won the day.

Decent Englishmen have been left by the wayside.

It is really sad how our country has declined so quickly.

Even as recently as the 1970's English people were respected, and treat with decency abroad.

But no more.


I agree with Anna B but I disagree with you, plenty of Anti Brexit poster's on here have claimed that those voting Remain were generally more educated than the average Leave voter, if that's not blowing one's own trumpet I don't know what is.

The decent Englishmen comment is ridiculous.

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Where did I say everybody lies? Putting words in someone's mouth again.

I said before the internet we knew when people were pillocking.

Don't you think it's a bit odd when we are told how hard working people are

when at the same time spending every waking hour on here?


Might work from home, you never know

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I was a child in the 50s and 60s and we didn't have social media, was it something we lost between the 40s and 50s?


Oh we had social media alright, but it was live, and in your face, whether it be good or bad interactions. Trouble is, today , people hide behind such as twitter, when berating something or somebody, The World's worst is the President of the USA. It's so easy for folks to cowardly attack someone from behind a keyboard or a mobile device.

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Where did I say everybody lies? Putting words in someone's mouth again.

I said before the internet we knew when people were pillocking.

Don't you think it's a bit odd when we are told how hard working people are

when at the same time spending every waking hour on here?


I think you make a fair point there. I'll hold my hands up, & say that when I'm at work and on a break, I've sometimes come on here.


---------- Post added 31-03-2017 at 22:53 ----------


The difference is that when people used to tell us about those thing we knew when they were pillocking. Nowadays we are told on anonymous forums about what great jobs people have, how hard working they are, qualifications, high pay etc.

If you believe about 50 percent of it, divide that by two then take half of the result you'll probably be somewhere near the truth.


As people on this forum will testify, there have been quite a lot of users on here who claim to run their own businesses, are wealthy, and like to brag about it.

Of course, during exchanges with others on here, they trip themselves up and are not only found out to be the same people with more than one username; but don't have as much money as they claim they have :hihi:

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As I read these threads along with other social media ones I often come across folk who tell all and sundry just how good they them selves are .


You know how it goes ,my house has got ten rooms or my car cost £££££££ , or I worked hard at school and ended up with a top job, or my kids are so perfect that all others pale into insignificance when compared .


You get em at every bar in every pub,= the latest holiday in Acapulco or the skiing season in the Alps followed by the plans to send little Oscar or Amelia to private school and so on .


When I was a kid in the forty's and fifty's we never heard discussions like this and any one who boasted how much better than us they were soon got brought down a peg or two .


So is blowing your own trumpet a modern thing or has it always been the norm.???[/quote


I usually find that people like that find themselves alone at the bar, or whatever, in a very short space of time. Either that or there's two of them like that both talking at once and no-one listening.

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