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Blowing your own trumpet .

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Social class was another predictor of which way you'd vote actually. But that's probably because it correlates with education, and perhaps even with age to some extent.


Ah Education, Education, Education, I bet you loved old Tony, probably still do !


We middle class socialist snobs usually are smarter that most people.

It is not bragging, it is fact, and we don't need to advertise it. :cool:


I have known labourers who are smarter than some schoolteachers, you should know better than to generalise eh ;)

People who look down on others often tend to be ignorant gits, you'll know a few I'm sure !

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Ah Education, Education, Education, I bet you loved old Tony, probably still do !




I have known labourers who are smarter than some schoolteachers, you should know better than to generalise eh ;)

People who look down on others often tend to be ignorant gits, you'll know a few I'm sure !


Seriously, one of the most intelligent men I have ever worked with was a labourer.

He was one of that group of Geordies who became known as the barefoot boys, due to the poverty of their upbringing.

His schooling had been negligible, and he was completely self taught.

He was erudite, calm and a complete gentleman; and at the same time, as strong as a bull.

Given a better start in life he would have gone very far indeed.

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Ah Education, Education, Education, I bet you loved old Tony, probably still do !




I have known labourers who are smarter than some schoolteachers, you should know better than to generalise eh ;)

People who look down on others often tend to be ignorant gits, you'll know a few I'm sure !


I've not met many labourers on building sites that earn more than teachers, though I've come across some smart guys on building sites. I've never and will never look down on people Michael but you come across as an inverted snob.

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I've not met many labourers on building sites that earn more than teachers, though I've come across some smart guys on building sites. I've never and will never look down on people Michael but you come across as an inverted snob.


I neither look down upon or envy anyone, you of course can have your opinion, as I can have mine :D

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I was asking 'your' opinion of them, not Google's. You do seem to have a lot of them.:)


You were asking for facts, not opinion, and since I don't know the facts in question I suggest you search them out yourself. :roll:

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Anna B, there is a lot of truth in what you say. I still prefer to listen to the realist, sensible, quieter, positive thinking types not given to bragging, or cynicism. "You learn more by listening than talking!" my grandad told me when I was just setting out.


Of the models out there, I lean to the British or Canadian model. But as you point out, Americans are not shy.


Having said that I am always interested in listening to anyone's opinion, back ground and life determining events etc, if they are real

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