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Legends at Hillsborough Corner

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I have never ventured inside this bar but pass it every day.


What do people think of it. Is it any good or not. I have never really liked the look of it much or some of its clientel but then i could be wrong.


especially what is it like at nights?

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'Leg-ends' as those in the know call it has one major advantage, Sid. A large set of windows allowing a 360 degree view of Hillsboro' corner and all who pass by.

However, all this vicarious living you're doing really has to stop.

If you want to find out what it's like in there, it's mindblowingly straitghtforward. Walk in, approach the bar, purchase a drink. Drink drink, soak up atmosphere or lack of , exit (or purchase further refreshments).

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slimsid why do u care if u never go in??? why???? legends is for old or middle aged ppl who used to go drinkin down boro in their hay day but have to move on from blue ball. in other words- ill probly be in there in 30 years time :hihi: its orite if u like that scene but if u ask me its rough and stinks of stale old people and stale beer :thumbsup:

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slimsid why do u care if u never go in??? why????


Why are you always so rude to me? It seems that every thread i post you make some comment about why am I asking etc.


Quite seriously, do you have a problem with me?:(

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Why are you always so rude to me? It seems that every thread i post you make some comment about why am I asking etc.


Quite seriously, do you have a problem with me?:(


Sid, you are incorrigible mate. That's why. The Forum Sponge; soaking up information that will never be used...



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Sid, you are incorrigible mate. That's why. The Forum Sponge; soaking up information that will never be used...




pmsl!!!!!!!! oh my god that has made me laugh so much!!! THE FORUM SPONGE!!! :hihi:


slim- its true- i havent got a problem with you as i have never spoken to you- but u do post some drivvel

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slim- its true- i havent got a problem with you as i have never spoken to you- but u do post some drivvel


So what if I started a thread entitled 'DIAMONDRAVA is constipated' (:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: hey, you might be for all i know). Then you would really have something to complain about.

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